Savvy Library
Padding Out Your Wallet By Becoming Fiscally Responsible
Money management can be tough to master, but we all have the ability to improve our financial situations. Whether that’d be by having a budgeting plan, consolidate your debts, understand your income or even take out a loan for personal…
Back To School Gift Guide 2019 ~ Sponsor Info
2019 SMGN Back To School Gift Guide – Sponsors Information Let us promote your products today! What can we offer you? We have a network of bloggers that you can choose from to work with. The gift guide is featured…
Motorcycle Travel Tips- How To Stay Comfortable on Your Hot Weather Rides
Making upgrades to your bike and gear can often make your ride even smoother and make the time fly. Simple touches like getting an integrated Bluetooth helmet like the ones they’ve reviewed on Helmet Hunt can allow you to have…
What Should You Know About Traveling to Peru with Kids?
Peru is an amazing travel destination for so many reasons. From Peru tours that go to multiple sites, to picking one site such as Machu Picchu, visitors find it to be fulfilling and exciting. However, there is also a certain…
Delicious Battered Fish with a Chance to Win Free Food
It’s always good to see how our brands performed in the ever evolving taste of delicious meals and here is one of my favorite meals…. famous battered fish with some potato fries, golden hushpuppies and home-style sides. It costs you…
Financial Struggles of a Single Mom: A Few Ways to Make It Work Better
It is never easy to be single again, after being in a marriage or a long term relationship, but things become so much tougher mentally, physically and financially when you have to raise children as a single mother. If you…
Tips for Auditing Your Budget and How to Prioritize Crucial Expenses
We’ve all been told that the best path to achieving your financial goals is through setting a budget. But, can we agree that no one reminds us, mentions in passing or teaches us how to audit the same budgets we…
Helping Your Children Through Your Divorce
Nobody gets married thinking their partnership will end in them needing the services of Arnold Wadsworth & Coggins, but unfortunately, it is a sad reality for almost half the married population. Going through a divorce is never an easy process,…
Can I Trust You With My Child?
As the days are getting longer, it’s time for busy parents to plan for the summer holidays. Vacations with the kids are the perfect occasion to reconnect at the end of the school year and prepare for the next school…
If You Love Green Transportation, You Need To Read This
The most iconic images that your mind projects about the United States tend to focus on cars. Indeed, America is famously addicted to oil, as President George W. Bush once stated. The reason is that for several decades, the economy…
7 Ways To Reduce Waste In Your Restaurant
Running a food service restaurant requires a lot of thinking. You have to order your ingredients on time, staff, and financial management. However, it is equally essential for you to consider what happens to food that is left uneaten. Therefore,…
From Dancing Bears to CBD Gummies: A Complete History of Gummy Bears
Few candies can claim a place in the hall of fame of the most beloved sweets. Many have come and gone, but only the tastiest have survived. Gummy bears are among the few that can claim a permanent spot in…
Important Things to Know About CBD Vape Juice
Vaping and CBD vape juice has become one of the most talked about developments throughout the world. With hundreds of companies having a vape shop online, it is hard to miss the progression of vaping and CBD vape. Unless you…
How to Build A Sustainable Life After Retirement
If you’ve just retired from your job and are lost with what to do at this current time of resilience, don’t worry as you are not alone. Self-care is something everyone needs to have in their lives whether it be…
5 Budget Friendly Home Improvements
It is a common assumption that house renovations rack up big bills, but this does not have to be the case. There are many home refurbishments that can help increase the value of your property and can also make you…
4 Things to Know Before Getting a DNA Paternity Test
While in every birth it is pretty obvious who the mother of the child is, this is not the case when it comes to fatherhood. Due to this, there is a big percentage of men who end up raising children…
Important Things You Should Know about MCT Oil
We’ve learned a great deal about the natural benefits of different plants, over the past two decades, and have expanded our understanding of nutrition and the impact it has on our health. MCTs or medium-chain triglycerides have been gaining in…
Everything You Need to Know about Choosing a Shower Door
Whether you are updating an existing showing or adding a new one, you will be required to make several important decisions including which type of door you should buy. While you may think that choosing an enclosure for your shower…
Top 4 Mistakes to Avoid When Filing a Disability Claim
Contrary to popular belief, the insurance company does NOT have your best interests at heart. The sad truth is that they are only in it to see how much money they can make off you. Insurance companies deny disability claims…
Candy e-juices Appeal to the Sweet Tooth in Adults
The city of Sacramento recently joined San Francisco and other cities in banning flavored e-cigarette cartridges and flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes. Candy and fruit-flavored e-juices have put a new twist on a not-so-new concept, giving those who choose…