indoor tropical garden
Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

Tips For Starting Your Own Indoor Tropical Garden

There are a lot of people who are integrating more plants into their homes nowadays, and some of these include exotic species. It is important that we know how to take appropriate care of each plant and understand what each different species needs. That is why you should always carefully research each species before purchasing, and check whether you have the right amount of sunlight, heat, and water that they need in order to thrive. For a more tropical feel, you might want to create an indoor garden room featuring rainforest plants and keeping it a little warmer than the rest of your home. These are some things to consider when creating your own indoor tropical garden. 

Start off Small

Most people will want to invest large amounts of money in high quantities of plant species in one go, however, it’s important to avoid doing that because it can cause some level of neglect in species. Try to give each plant the love and attention that it needs in order to thrive by gradually building up your collection of tropical plants. The giganteum philodendron plant is known as a ‘filler’ plant that needs a lot of room to grow, which is another reason why you should consider integrating plants into your tropical garden room over time to allow each species to adapt to its surroundings. 


You should consider taking a closer look at your home’s floor plan and think about what areas you don’t use as much. You should try to use a space that works for you and your routine. Alternatively, you could consider building a greenhouse, or using an old one if there is one in your garden. You need to also be able to understand how to handle each different type of plant, like the care for rubber plant.  A lot of tropical plants need warm, humid conditions, which is what makes a greenhouse the perfect environment. It allows light and helps lock in the moisture created by the sun’s heat. Of course, it also depends on the area that is available to you and whether you have a space that would be suitable. For this reason, it is not recommended that you create an indoor tropical garden if your living space is considerably smaller. In addition, you might not want to make an indoor garden for plants that need a lot of heat if you cannot afford to keep them warm during the colder months. Heaters are a great option for those who can afford it. 

Why do you want an indoor garden?

Think about what you want to use the space for. For example, if you want a unique area to host dinner parties, then it is worth using an area big enough for a large table and considering this when you are installing different plants. Of course, tropical plants require different conditions from other species, so if you want to plant a vegetable garden then there will be a different level of maintenance and care required. 


Light and heat are some of the most important things that most plants need in order to thrive. Think carefully about the direction that the windows of the intended indoor tropical garden face, and whether that will secure enough sunlight for the plants. If this is not an option, then you could consider investing in some high-quality lights that also serve as heating devices. Rooms such as greenhouses work great for both heat and light because they are usually made from glass. Something that would be perfect to make into an indoor garden is a skylight or any kind of clear material on the roof, as it will provide valuable access to the sun. 


This is another thing to consider because wooden floors are highly vulnerable to water damage when they are in an indoor tropical garden. Carpet can also cause issues as it is more likely to become waterlogged, damp, and even moldy. Try to use a space that has tiles on the floor so that it is easier to keep clean. Other options include slate or ceramic if possible. 

Plant Species

Different types of plants require different levels of care. We’ve already covered how much different space can make in a plant’s growth, but it can also struggle if it isn’t watered correctly. Try to carefully research each species of plant and see if it works well with others, and also consider how much to water it and where to put it. This will determine how much sunlight the plants get. 

To summarize, there are a lot of things that need to be carefully considered before creating your own indoor tropical garden. These can be as complex as researching how much water a species needs, or deciding what type of soil to use for repotting. Check that your pets will not interfere with them, and ensure that you are caring for your plants carefully.