Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

Chronic Illness And Pain, Know Your Rights

There are some things that we just think of as “old people” illnesses. Bus passes only apply if you’re very young or very old so you may think but of course there is a world of other invisible illnesses that have really shot up in the past few years and we are all getting more aware of them. Some of those include chronic pain and disabilities that affect our lives day to day.  This may include a range of problems, the list truly is endless. Perhaps you have a chronic illness that affects your back. According to a Global Burden of Diseases, Risks and Injuries study, back pain is the single most common reason for disability. It’s also one of the most expensive. A medical report found that over $900 million is spent on treating the problem every year. Maybe you have a problem that affects your organs, there are so many things that can go wrong with our body. Sometimes you may not be aware of what you can claim for or if you have any rights within the workplace which is why it is best to look into it further and be sure to know your rights! Look at a Disability Law Group. They will be able to help you and advise you on many things related to your disability. This will be vital if you think you have been unfairly treated or aren’t getting the help and advice that you truly need.

Photo: Pixabay

For example, if you have a back problem which is related to a chronic illness, you may have had to quit your office job. Some people may think you’re still eligible to work but there are some rules to look into further. To be considered eligible for Social Security disability benefits, you cannot engage in substantial gainful activity. You must work and collect your disability benefits but it’s important that your earnings don’t exceed $1,180 per month – you may work from home. This would mean that you were being fraudulent and claiming money that isn’t rightfully yours.

Individuals with disabilities have twice the rate of unemployment of those without, which means applying for jobs is even more difficult and even more crucial, according to Hanna Brooks Olsen. This is a very difficult thing to accept because you may want to work even if you are in pain but knowing your work rights and knowing your benefit rights are important because you may feel that you are discriminated against for not working and discriminated against for wanting to work. Either way you must ensure that you are being able to speak honestly about your problem and that you know what you want. Nobody should have to suffer with a chronic illness and everyone should have equal rights and opportunities so it is important to asset those rights and to be knowledgeable about your problem. Without this, you won’t be able to get the information you need – which is why it’s vital to speak to lawyers about the situation. You may need to provide proof of your disabilities or doctors notes so be sure to have everything there that you need. 

One Comment

  • Susan Lane

    I have chronic pain, I read another of your articles suggesting acupuncture. I may look into that. I hadn’t really thought about it.