Amwell ~ Quality Online Lactation Services For Busy New Moms! #MOMSLOVEAMWELL
Amwell ~ Quality Online Lactation Services For Busy New Moms! #MOMSLOVEAMWELL
Are you a new mom or expecting mom that is looking to breastfeed your new baby? Are you looking to learn everything that you can to ensure that you are fully educated on the process of breastfeeding and to ensure success as there is nothing better for your newborn? Well these are the many reasons that I want to spread the word about Amwell and their newest addition of Lactation Services. Amwell is simply amazing because new moms do not need to leave their home to receive the help that they need. Mom’s can simply receive help from Board-Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) from the privacy and comfort of their own home. They will provide help on a number of issues such as latching, breast pain due to feeding issues, questions about milk supply, pumping your breast milk, assisting moms with transitioning tips for when going back to work or school, and much much more.
Let’s face it…. there is nothing better than the bonding experience of breastfeeding…. not to mention the numerous health benefits that breastfeeding provides to all babies. It is the most natural way to nurture your baby and for these many reasons I breastfed all of my children. I will admit my first child, my son Julian, was the hardest because I was completely new to being a mother and had no clue what I was doing. My mother was unable to breastfeed due to thyroid issues when she had my siblings & I, so my mom really could not help me out at all as she knew nothing about breastfeeding. That is why the services of a Board-Certified Lactation Consultant are so very important. They are there to help get you started, answer any of your questions and guide the way for you to have a successful breastfeeding experience. I was lucky enough to have a Lactation Consultant on hand in the hospital my son Julian was born in and they taught me everything that I needed to know and guided me through the process. Unfortunately, not all hospitals provide this service so that is why I was so excited to learn that Amwell now had new moms covered in this area!
With this new service from Amwell, moms can simply schedule an appointment or receive an immediate appointment with a Board-Certified Lactation Consultant at any time, in the privacy of their own home via their phone, tablet or computer. They will be able to guide new moms through the latching process as well as answer any and all questions that new moms may have. How awesome is that? In the comfort of your home… you can receive solid and amazing advice that will help to ensure your breastfeeding success. Amwell’s lactation video consults allow new mothers to ask questions, address concerns, or get advice concerning breastfeeding and everything that comes along with feeding their newborn. With Amwell….it is super easy to book an appointment and did you know that some insurances will help to cover the cost? Well…yes they do!
Check out this video which shows how very easy it is to use:
Let me tell you a little about Amwell. Amwell is the nation’s largest telehealth company, connecting its users with board-certified, licensed doctors, dieticians, psychologists and now Lactation Services for immediate and live, online visits. You can visit anytime of the day or night via either your mobile phone, tablet or computer. Some of the general reasons people use Amwell for the convenience of a doctors visit at home are….. minor illnesses and injuries, general health and wellness concerns, prescription refills and chronic condition management. Amwell employs primary care, specialist physicians, licensed behavioral therapists, lactation consultants and registered dieticians to meet their patients’ health and wellness needs. Their doctors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are truly dedicated to keeping you and your family healthy. It does not get any better than that for convenience and quality care in the comfort of your own home.
So are you interested in trying out Amwell for your Lactation Services… such as questions, tips and advice? Snag this special code: NEWMOM18 & Save Today!
*Please note that you have to put your credit card information in to hold the appointment, then once you log back in for your appointment time you will be prompted to enter the promo code.
Snag the app so that you can access Amwell’s Lactation Services anytime… and anywhere!
Make Sure To Check Out Amwell Today For Yourself! They Cover It All From All Types Of Doctor Visits To Their Newest Addition…….. Lactation Services!
Compensation was provided by Amwell via Momtrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Amwell or Momtrends.
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Sandy Cain
What a blessing for new moms who want to do right by the baby (and themselves, as well!). Thankfully, I had no trouble nursing my daughter -(right from the start she latched on), but I know many moms who gave up after less than a week, due to lack of professional support. A service such as Amwell Lactation would have helped them so much. I have to keep this in mind for all the expecting & new moms I know! Thanks for the head’s up! : )
monique s
what a great resource for new moms
There is nothing as beautiful as that of bringing life into this world; having an article like this would be something worth sharing with all new and expecting mothers. While most search for answers to that in which unfortunately arent always shared / provided in hospitals this service in particular! You can imagine of the many that become mothers theres several that dont get provided the knowledge / support needed, but if some of us will share this….. it might just bring hope to better parenthood!
Linda Manns Linneman
I think this is an awesome idea for new moms. Great article. Thank you so much for sharing this
Paula K
What a quality and convenient service for new mothers. Personally, I could have benefitted from their services when my son was a baby.
Maryann D.
I really could have used a Lactation Service like this when I had my children. I did have a lesson in the hospital but this sounds really modern and convenient.
Kim Brooks
Oh wow this is so amazing I wish I had knew about this before I gave birth this would have definitely helped me out and eased my mind
Jessica Jones
I think this is an excellent service. Unfortunately I will not be able to nurse #2 this time around like I did with #1, but I am so glad this exists for those who can!
Carol Spierdowis
A great service, especially for new moms.
natalie nichols
This is such a great idea! To know that you have a way to answer questions as they arise and get advice, that’s something.
Tara Pittman
Wish this was around when I had my son. He had troubles feeding.
Lula Ruger
What a great idea .So helpful for new moms
Ina Gribbins
My granddaughter just had a baby and she is breastfeeding. I will be passing this information of Amwell on to her because I know for a fact she has been going to classes for breastfeeding. Thank you!
molli taylor
thisi s really cool and a great service that can be provided by amwell. thanks fore letting us know
tammy studt
Great article!
Calvin F.
Never know about this.. what a unique service.
kathy downey
My daughter just became a first time Mom,i think this is a wonderful service.Thanks i will be sharing this with her.
Sandra Watts
A good service. I will share with my family.
Brittney Hixson
Wonderful article!
It’s about time they offered a service like this
vickie couturier
very interesting ,my daughter is pregnant and plans to breast feed,ill share this with her
Darcy Koch
When I had babies bottle feeding was more popular. Now it is breastfeeding that is mostly done. A program like this could greatly benefit any mother, especially first time moms.
Linda Stewart
I don’t think there can ever be enough support for breastfeeding moms. I was never able to successfully breastfeed either of my children and there was no support available, what so ever. It’s good to know that there is support available to first time moms.
Valerie Lerma
i think its a great thing 2 be able 2 breastfeed ur baby the only thing i dont like is when people make faces like if its wrong
monique s
what a fantastic service to help new moms
Lana simanovicki
Why do all these cool things happen after I am not having children
denise low
Thank you for sharing. This sounds like a good service.
Darcy Koch
I believe there has been a lot of controversy over women breastfeeding in public. I understand some have been asked to leave places. It is a natural act so I don’t see why it disturbs some.
Cindy S.
This information is so important. Not every mom has an easy time breast feeding. I had to supplement my first. Things went better with my second….and my third…I breast fed until she was three! I needed help though. It isn’t always a naturally easy thing. Breast feeding moms need support.
Rachael Sutton
Not a mom yet but I would love to have this resource available for when I become one, hopefully soon. Thanks for the information and the discount code.
Great article and great idea !
Great resource for new moms.
This sounds very useful for the new moms out there!
Shane A
very informative for new moms, bookmarking.
Christine L
Needed something like this 14 yrs ago when my 1st was just born
denise low
This is great. I will tell my daughter about this. Thank you for sharing.
Sue E
The company that I used to work for uses this service already. What a real time saver. Also a blessing for families with a lot of kids, no cars, jobs with weird hours, disabled people, etc. But I really think technology is bringing us away from the human touch/human contact. Pretty soon we won’t have to leave our homes at all.
My other thought is when will we know when it’s an emergency?
Michelle L
Great idea!
Richard Hicks
I did not know such existed. Good info to know for Moms
Julie Hansen
My daughter is nursing. I’m going to share this with her. Thank you for sharing.
Jo-Ann Brightman
This does sound like a great site for nursing moms to use. I shall pass along the information.
Geena O'Banion
This is just terrific information for new moms and others. It’s hard to keep up with the times….things change…rapidly. Thank you for sharing and thank you for the giveaway.
Good day
Rachael DeBates
great info
Edna Williams
What a great and convenient service, especially for first-time Moms! Thanks for the review!