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5 Ways To Make Your Life So Much Better

Life is full of opportunities that are there for those who want them and notice them. These opportunities will often make your life much better (in whatever way that means to you). You might find something that allows you to be more productive or have a better work-life balance. You might find something that keeps you healthy and fit. No matter what it is, it’s the finding of these opportunities that are most important.

Sadly, many people are just not seeing them, even when they are presented to them. That’s because too much is going on, they are just too busy, and they are in far too much of a negative mindset to spot what could be a golden opportunity. If this sounds like it could be you then take a look at our blog about how to make your life so much better – once you make your life better, you’ll notice all the opportunities around you.


Learning to be grateful for what you have can make a big difference in your view of the world and of your life – it can make your life a lot better than you think it is and nothing will have changed except your attitude towards it. The problem that a lot of people have is that they are always looking for the next thing, even if they don’t know what it is. You may have a house, but you want a larger one or one in a different area, so you don’t feel gratitude for the fact that you have one at all. That could mean you don’t maintain it as well as you should, which, when you do come to move elsewhere, could cause a lower sale price or a problem with the landlord.

You might have a good job, but you think you should be earning more money or you believe you would be better off in a different company, so you don’t work as hard as you could where you already are. This could mean you miss out on the opportunity to gain a promotion.

If you want to change then that is not a problem – change can be a good thing. However, if you’re grateful for what you have, then you’ll feel happier, more comfortable, more confident, and ultimately more satisfied, and that can make your life much better.

Get Ready For The Next Day

Being unprepared for the next day can be a problem. It can lead to anxiousness, lower self-confidence, or self-doubt. It can also mean that you are less productive than you could be because you have to spend a lot of time working out what it is you need to do that day.

Before you stop work for the day, make a list of things that need to be done the next day. Make this your last task before going home. When you get to work the next morning, you can get started right away because you know what the priority items are. This keeps you productive, so you get a lot more done. Plus, you may even find that the subconscious can already get to work solving problems because you have planned ahead – you could wake up with the answer.

Making these lists the day before doesn’t have to only be about when you go to work. They can be for anything; household chores, shopping, a day out with family, and so on. Prepare the day before, and it will all be much easier.

Delay Gratification

It can be so tempting to buy whatever you want when you want it, even if you don’t have the money to do it. Putting purchases on credit makes this particularly easy. One click here, a fingerprint there, a password somewhere else and whatever it was that seemed like such a good idea at the time will soon be winging its way to you. Does that sound familiar? When it arrives do you use it for a short amount of time and then forget about it? Do you just put it on a bookshelf or in a closet and barely think of it again?

It happens a lot. Instant gratification is something that can easily be given in to thanks to technology making buying items such a simple task. If you want to make your life much better, try to delay gratification instead. Browse the stores and online and when you see something you like don’t buy it right away – wait a day or perhaps two. Wait a whole month if you possibly can. Think about the money and whether you can afford it, and whether the item is worth it. Think about the item itself and whether you really need it or are going to use it. Re-assess, and if you still want to buy the item, then that’s no problem, although you may find that you decide against it.

Be Good To Yourself

Being good to yourself can make such a difference in your attitude to life. It can be something as simple as going out to a good restaurant, taking an hour to sit with a book, or enjoying a hot, bubbly soak in the tub. It can also be about taking care of yourself in general. This means eating the right foods, treating yourself on occasion but not all the time, doing exercise, sleeping for long enough, and giving up those habits that are harming us such as smoking, drinking, or other substances.

Some of these changes can be easy and just involve you making some time for yourself. Some are much more difficult, especially when they deal with addiction. This is where a medical professional like the ones at A Better Today Recovery Services can help the most. However, you need to deal with things, it’s important to ensure that you are as good to yourself as possible. Everything else will follow on from there.

Drop Your Resentment

We all hold onto resentment, anger, and grudges for far too long, and this is causing us suffering. It’s a bad thing from a physical point of view, getting frustrated and angry helps nobody. It is also bad from a mental standpoint too. Carrying around all this negativity is not something that will make us happy in the long run; it’s far better to forget it entirely.


  • vickie coutrurier

    what a nice post,,some really good tips,,ive got to start doing these,,life is too short

  • kate g

    Good choices. The most important one to me is gratitude. I couldn’t agree more that it shapes your life’s view. I get up and go to bed with it and it keeps me happy throughout every day. No matter what happens, if you are appreciative of what you have, you’ll want for nothing. The older I get the more I see the absolute truth in this.