
Why Do We Love Cats so Much?

What is it about cats that makes people love them? Find out the science behind why we love cats as much as we do in this guide.

Since Ancient Egypt, cats have been revered, worshipped, admired, and loved. If you love cats, you know that you are not alone. 

But have you ever stopped to think, why do people like cats so much?

After all, there must be something as to why we love these furry felines.

I Love Cats, and You Do Too!

There are deeper reasons as to why we love cats so much.

One of the reasons is because they love us back. Cats are able to receive affection from humans. As independent as cats may be, we have all seen a cat come up to us and then purr with joy when we stroke their soft fur.

While a dog may get distracted when you stroke them and run away, a cat is more likely to stay with you, brush up against you, or roll on their back so you can stroke their stomach.

Cats are always in the moment. They are enjoying the moment when you stroke them. They do not seem to carry any excess baggage or gripes.

If you forgot to feed them the previous night, there is not a bitter resentment. They enjoy the affection you are giving them in the present moment.

But What Do Cats Do for Us?

But what pleasure do we receive when we are with cats? After all, our cat love must have some benefit to us directly. 

Interestingly enough, cats release oxytocin. Now, what is significant about this? Oxytocin is associated with feeling love. 

When showing affection to a cat, we also feel this love. Think about the last time you saw a cat and began showing it affection. You stopped what you were doing and all your focus was on making this cat happy. You have done the same and felt the same when showing affection toward another human being.

What Is It About Cats?

But what is it about cats that we find so attractive? Many people think of their pets as their children. With human children, there is the concept of imprinting. These are the initial bonds that mothers share with their infant children. Cats share many of the qualities of an infant child.

Look into a cat’s eyes and you will see how baby-like they are. This feature alone makes us feel protective of them. Historically, cats have always been by the human’s side. While dogs may be domesticated animals today, they have a history of being more feral than cats. Cats would accompany humans to find their prey.

Vermin would follow humans and cats would follow humans to hunt these vermin. As a result, bonds between humans and cats have evolved over the years. Whether in Ancient Egypt or the modern world we live in now, our relationship with cats has not changed.

It is why we have a love for our cats and are saddened at their demise. It is why we prepare a cat memorial when our cat passes away. Cats are a part of our family.

Show A Cat Some Love

If you love cats, then show your cat or any cat some love. 

And share this post with your friends who have cats. See if they understand why we have such a great love of cats.

One Comment

  • Dana Rodriguez

    I love my cats. I have one that is especially my favorite and I think she feels the same about me because she follows me like a puppy.