Mom in a car accident
Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

The Prepared Mom

What To Do If You Are In A Car Accident

Super Moms

Let’s be honest. Moms take care of most everything in their household. I would feel confident guessing that most of us make all of the appointments, run the errands, and problem solve to the max. If there is a problem in the family it’s mom to the rescue. This can be seen even as we turn to our own mothers in our time of need. 

For a lot of families the men take care of the cars. However, if you or anyone in your family were in a car accident, who would make the calls? Who has the information for the car insurance company? Is your car insurance a reputable company? Have you searched for other options when it comes to car insurance to ensure that you find the right car insurance for your needs? You can read reviews online to help you do just that, like this erie car insurance review as finding good coverage that makes the claim process easy is super important.

Also……. would you know who to call in this kind of situation? Moms always need to be prepared. Car accidents happen every 60 seconds in the United States. So, unfortunately the chances of you and your family living car accident free is extremely low. 

The Ugly Truth

Car accidents are scary and stressful in nature, but what you do afterward does not have to be scary or stressful if you are prepared and have the proper education and the right numbers to call. The professionals at Benton & Benton Law are eager to help you in your time of need if you need a car accident lawyer in Monroe, Georgia. However, even if you do not live in this area, their website has an explanation for just about any scenario you could possibly think of. 

Unfortunately, car accidents have become a very lucrative business for a lot of people. If you are injured or need to proceed in court, it is in your best interest to get you or your family a qualified professional to take your case. 

What To Do

Immediately following an accident here is a summary of what you should do. 

*Call 911

*Check for injuries

*Call an ambulance if necessary

*Take pictures

*Exchange information with other driver

*Document witnesses

*If possible move to the side of the road

*File a claim

*Don’t post about the accident on social media


Calling 911 is important for any accident, because a police report needs to be filed and can be used as an official document if needed later on. Police can also help maintain the scene and direct traffic as needed preventing further accidents. If you know you are injured, do not move unless you are in imminent danger. Call an ambulance if you are worried about yourself or anyone else’s injuries. Many accidents can result in head or neck injuries that should be stabilized by proper medical teams. Taking pictures as soon as possible will ensure that the pictures are time stamped and accurate for insurance companies or a court case later on down the road. It is important that you share information both ways with the other driver, however, do not contact the other driver’s insurance company. Call your own insurance company. Having witnesses, their names and contact information will be beneficial for your case if there is one. This is information that is easiest to obtain at the time of the accident. If you file a claim the reason it is important not to post on social media is because likely the other party’s insurance company will look for anything you posted about or after the accident that they could use against you in court. 

Armed with this knowledge, you can feel confident in any car accident situation that you will know exactly what to do. Do you have any other advice for someone who was in a car accident? Did you learn something new from this post? Leave your comments below.

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