The Best Vegan Ice Cream You Haven’t Tried
Trying out new stuff- especially food- has its sense of gratification attached to it. It even exists as a job description for a lot of people, while for others it remains simply a hobby. There are foods, however, that is simply difficult to not like. These foods being, you know it, dessert.
The idea of what is a dessert varies between varying cultures and areas. But everyone can agree that anything that has ever been deemed one is always widely liked. Trying out new dessert is hence never a problem and people are simply up for it.
Ice cream is a universally preferred delicacy. You’ll rarely ever find someone who dislikes ice cream. That being said,vegan ice cream is a concept that isn’t as popular, although it has no reason not to be. As the name suggests, it is ice cream that is vegan and we’ve already heard enough about how eco-friendly that is.
Vegan ice cream comes in all shapes and flavors, as normal ice cream does (surprising, yes). Amongst all these flavors, there are some evident winners so let’s talk about them.
Death by Chocolate
Chocolate has always topped as the superior sweet, no matter what category. It’s no wonder it comes out topmost in this list too. Death by chocolate is a must-have flavor for whenever one does decide to go on an adventure with herbivorous ice cream.
The name for this flavor is only suitable for its nature. You eat it and any lust for dessert simply dies. That’s right, dies. Because of how satisfyingly pleasuring this flavor is. So if you have nondairy ice cream on your to-do list, let everything else be and go get yourself death by chocolate ice cream. You can thank us later.
Strawberry Swirl
Strawberry has always had this weird grip on you ever since we were kids. You go out somewhere and if you’re asked to make a choice between any given flavors, this pink, beautiful, treat of a choice is always on the tip of your tongue.
Other than being a sight to sore eyes just for its pretty colors, the strawberry swirl is unquestionably that flavor you need to get your hands (and tongue) on. It’s definitely a choice you won’t regret, and you might just hear your taste buds sing in delight as well.
Mango Burst
We’re all already aware of the significance of mangoes in the world we live in today. An entire season is waited for in the pure anticipation for this one fruit. So let’s be honest it only makes sense this flavor is part of the list. Mangoes by themselves are delicious, but pair them up with some non dairy ice cream? Let’s just move on before we salivate ourselves further.
Keep it Simple with Some Vanilla
If there was a list for most neglected flavors, vanilla would make it there too. As universally loved as this flavor is, it’s merely taken for granted. For reasons understandable too, it’s just so good you add it with every other flavor there is. But seriously, if you’re looking for good non dairy ice cream, go back to home base, and yes, I mean vanilla.
Vanilla is heavily ignored and as a standalone flavor, it’s great! If you’re charting into undiscovered waters with non dairy ice cream, this flavor is the way to go.
Conclusively, if you have a favorite flavor in ice cream, try going vegan about it. It definitely won’t disappoint. We hope this article incited you to finally check off eating non dairy ice cream from your list of foods to try.
Additional resources:
–Want to try something new? Explore Vegan Meal Kits
–9 healthy foods that vegans can eat
–Interested in being vegan? Here’s lingo you need to learn
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