Source Your Own Serotonin With These Natural Tips And Tricks
Serotonin, which is also known as the ‘natural mood booster’, is the chemical responsible for making us feel good. Initially produced in the brainstem and the GI tract, serotonin affects many different parts of the brain and can have a positive impact on a range of behaviors, such as –
*Body temperature
*And more
Because of how good it makes us feel, many of us seek increases in serotonin wherever possible.
There are now a myriad of pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs developed with this specific goal in mind. Unfortunately, these serotonin increases are typically short-lived or followed by significant dips in mood (especially after the use of serotonin-specific illegal drugs like MDMA). This can create an ongoing reliance on such substances which, over time, can have a detrimental impact on mental health overall, and may even result in time spent in drug addiction treatment. Luckily, drugs are far from the only way to enjoy serotonin increases.
As a natural endorphin, serotonin is something that we can all boost in completely natural ways. This is great news, as it saves reliance on external or manufactured products that cause serotonin to act in unnatural, and often harmful ways.
Of course, for some people, low levels of serotonin (which can happen for a range of reasons including genetic disorders) can lead to a deficiency that can impact health and wellbeing in various ways. In these cases, while naturally boosting serotonin can also be helpful, it is worth seeking medical advice and potential treatment.
However, if you tend to be happy, healthy, and mentally well, but simply want access to a more positive outlook or a good mood more often, then natural is always best. In this article, we’re going to consider just a few of the natural tips and tricks that could see your serotonin levels soaring in no time.
# 1 – Exercise
The benefits of exercise for mood have been well documented for a long time, but did you know that exercise fundamentally makes us feel good because it releases serotonin?
Motor activity (so any form of physical movement including walking, running, cycling, etc.), increases the firing rates of serotonin neurons. In other words, when we move, we feel better. This is especially true for forms of exercise that get us out because being outside lowers a stress hormone called cortisol. So, not only does that walk in the woods lower your stress levels, but it also makes way for a truly positive, serotonin-happy headspace brought about by physical movement in general.
Even in a gym or indoor space, many people who work out experience a kind of euphoric ‘high’ after a session on the weights or treadmill. And, that feeling of euphoria can help you to feel happier and more content for the rest of your day.
# 2 – Get outside
We’ve already touched a little on the benefits of getting outside for boosting serotonin production, but this is a natural resource that also deserves a section of its own.
Getting outside is great news for our mental wellness, and there are a few different reasons for that, most of which involve serotonin in some way. During the summer, especially, bright sunlight can significantly boost serotonin levels (hence why artificial lights replicating the sun are so crucial for the treatment of seasonal affective disorder).
As discussed above, spending time outside can also reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol which means that, when sunlight and general movement get serotonin going, reduced stress levels make it possible to really enjoy those feel-good benefits.
Experts suggest that, with all of this in mind, getting outside for at least twenty minutes a day can have a significant positive impact on mood, outlook, and stress levels in general. Regular time outside can also reduce the risks of anxiety, depression, and other such issues.
# 3 – Eating right
For the most part, experts report that it’s difficult to boost serotonin through diet alone, meaning that this last point is going to work best if you pair it with the other natural suggestions in this article. Still, some foods can give serotonin levels a little helping hand.
Foods that are rich in the amino acid tryptophan have especially been proven to benefit serotonin levels in general. Foods especially worth including in your diet for this purpose include –
*Eggs (particularly the yolk!)
*Nuts and seeds
Studies reveal that, while eating these foods alone might not be particularly effective for boosting serotonin, eating them alongside carbs that can help with the absorption of tryptophan by limiting insulin production, could potentially lead to at least some short-term boost in mood and serotonin levels. As such, you should aim to eat the foods listed above regularly, and, where possible, to pair them with healthy carbs including –
*Whole grain bread
*Whole grain pasta
*And so on
Benefit from boosting your serotonin levels naturally
There are a whole range of benefits to finding natural ways to source your own serotonin, including the fact that these are techniques that you’ll always have at your disposal. Other benefits from taking this more natural path to a better mood more often also include –
*Reduced risk of post-high dips
*Positive habits
*A better understanding of your mental health
The more able you are to start implementing these serotonin-boosting habits into a daily routine, the sooner you’ll be able to see notable and life-changing alterations in your mood and general outlook daily. If your mental health is already in a good place, something as simple as getting outside once a day or engaging in light exercise could see you staying happy, healthy, and even living longer according to certain studies.
When it comes to wellness, these habits, and the serotonin that they help you to create, could have a huge impact. Simply make sure that you find some way to fit them into your day, then sit back and enjoy higher serotonin levels as a result.
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