Eliminate Plastic From Your Shopping With Lotus Trolley Bags & Produce Bags @LotusTrolleyBag @SMGurusNetwork
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I am so thrilled to share the Lotus Trolley Bag system with everyone that I know as it is a must have product for every household. We all know that plastic consumption is a huge problem today and one simple and easy way that we can eliminate the use of plastic is by purchasing re-useable shopping bags & produce bags to use when grocery shopping. I live in Suffolk County, NY and we recently passed laws that restrict stores from passing out plastic bags and encouraging the use of reuseable and I think it is the perfect way to get everyone involved in reducing their use of plastics. Little things like using re-useable shopping bags & produce bags add up to making a big difference when everyone is a part and ultimately help to save Mother Earth. This is why I was excited to share my love for Lotus Trolley Bags & Lotus Produce Bags. The Lotus Trolley Bags & Lotus Produce Bags are different from other re-useable shopping bags on the market for so many fabulous reasons. Let’s take a look…..
Lotus Trolley Bags
First… I love that the four bags included in the Lotus Trolley Bags roll up nicely to make it easy to take them with you everywhere and anywhere as well as to never forget them. I take them in to unload the groceries and then I bring them back and put them in my car so they are there for the next time.
I love the deep COOLER Bag that comes with the Lotus Trolley Bags as it is perfect for keeping refrigerated and frozen foods cold while driving home ands even allows you a bit of time to make a quick pit stop on the way as the cooler bag insulates for 2 to 4 hours.
I also love the wonderful egg and wine pockets in the largest purple bag. The Lotus Trolley Bags were carefully designed with fabulous compartments that will keep your eggs and wine bottles secure and you can also use the wine bottle slots for optional storage pockets if wine is not on your shopping list or if it is not your thing.
The Lotus Trolley Bags also come with removable rods which I like as it makes it easy to clean them when needed. The patented rod design allows you to completely remove the rods for a nice streamlined look and to use for shopping in other places where carts are not available. You can simply remove the rods and use them as traditional single use bags or to even put them into the wash for cleaning.
The Lotus Trolley Bags are created with soft colors & high-end stitching and now they have a new color selection in Earth Tones. Their bags are a much higher quality and stronger than any competing brands and with the durable double stitching, their bags are built to last and are able to hold over 50 pounds.
Check Out This Cool Video Which Shows How Handy And Convenient These Bags Really Are:
Lotus Produce Bags
The Lotus Farmer’s Market Drawstring 9 pc Set of produce bags are simply fabulous and I love these things. I am ordering another set as they are so incredibly handy. Perfect for keeping in my Lotus Trolley Bags for my grocery shopping needs and I love that I no longer need to use their plastic produce bags at the store.
The Lotus Produce Bags come in a 9 pack There are 3 large, 3 medium and 3 small size produce bags which are perfect for my weekly produce needs. I love that when I get my veggies home I can literally rinse them in the bags if I want to and I can even store them in the bags too which is cool. They are made of a super strong nylon mesh that is super durable but still soft to the touch and they are machine washable as needed. Super awesome and as I noted above I am picking up a second set as they are that good and seriously convenient.
So what do you think of the Lotus Trolley Bags & Lotus Produce Bags? Are They Not The Most Fabulous Thing Ever?!? I seriously love them and I love that these bags are not just for grocery shopping because each bag is detachable so you can use them at the beach, for road trips, picnics and more and I love the produce bags as I can rinse in them and even store in them plus wash as needed! These bags from Lotus Trolley are simply genius and everyone should grab a set or two and ditch the plastic for good. Seriously… it is time to ditch plastic bags and use reusable shopping bags as every little bit adds up to making a difference for Mother Earth.
Make sure you check out Lotus Trolley Bags online at their website to learn more about this fabulous US based company PLUS check them out on social media too!
As Always, Thank You For Visiting Deliciously Savvy Today & Leave Some Comment Love And/or Enter A Giveaway While You Are Here. I Always Love Hearing From You!
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Steve Weber
This takes being organized to a whole new level while shopping! love it! thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Linda Manns Linneman
I just love this idea. I can’t wait to get some of these. I am always trying to sort my products out when pacing them in plastic grocery bags. Thank you so much for sharing this
Patrice Walters
This is genius! Very well thought through!
I love this idea! I can see how it would make shopping quicker and easier and more organized! Even my hubby would like the idea.
These designs are swank. I love the collision of modern and rustic.
Cheryl Everitt
I am impressed with the four bags included in the Lotus Trolley Bag. This should take care of all my grocery shopping. Thank you for sharing.
connie danielson
love, love these! connie danielson
Tamra Phelps
I think this looks really convenient. I especially like that one of the bags is able to keep foods cold, too.
gloria patterson
This bags sound so wonderful but still have a few questions. Do you use them while shopping or just after products go through the register? This is a great ideal I know I hate when I have to go through my bags hunting for cold/frozen items.
You can use while shopping for sure! I keep them on the cart but pushed to the back so they are flat and shop and fill the cart. Then once I empty the cart at the register I pop them open and fill them once the cashier scans them. So easy and convenient and the thermal bag keeps everything perfectly cold.
Linda Madden
What a great way to shop for groceries!
Laura Griggs
These look amazing! Obviously a lot of thought has gone into them.
MD Kennedy
These look so awesome! Just wish I had a way to suspend them in my trunk.
Tamra Phelps
I actually have a set of these and they are a pretty convenient way to shop and pack groceries. I’ve had them about a year and I like them.
Edna Williams
This is really just so great! Amazing way of being green! Thanks for sharing!
Amy D
These bags are perfect for me for so many reasons. I use reusable shopping bags when I shop, but they do not hang up in the cart like this. I love this idea so that my products don’t touch the dirty cart. Also, I am someone who organizes my food in the shopping cart. These bags will allow me to organize even better. I love it. I also love the product bags. Most of my groceries are produce. I love that I can store my food and wash them in these bags.
Nayna Kanabar
I love those trolley bags I have some and also the fabric fruit and veg bags . They are really handy.
Tamra Phelps
I have a set of these and they’re really useful. I especially like the bag for cold items.
Hang Around The World
Oh this is a good way to reduce the plastic. We have to do our best to help the planet. Thanks for the tip. – Paolo
Kristine Nicole Alessandra
These shopping bags are awesome. Plastic shopping bags and single use plastics are banned in our area so these bags would really come in handy. I love that it also helps organize your stuff while shopping. Easy unloading at home!
Edna Williams
This just is really wonderful and would make grocery shopping so much easier and green too! Thanks for sharing!
Okay I’m taking your advice! This one is really informative! And another info I can add up to my organization techniques.
Cristina Petrini
The cause is noble and these bags are the end of the world because they are also really comfortable!
Amber Kolb
We recently changed grocery stores from Meijer to ALDI and I have been eyeing up this trolley bag system for the last week. It looks so neat and eliminating plastic is a goal of mine!
Maia Bonaparte-Garcia
How have I not seen these before?!?! This is a brilliant eco-friendly idea. I wish I would have come up with it lol. I will definitely be purchasing a set. I really like the idea of the produce bags too.
I’ve never seen these before and I NEED them! That is such a great way to shop and while being environmentally safe ; )
Thanks for sharing this product with me… I’m going to get the set!
I use the bags from amazon for fruit and vegetables they are great and save sooo much plastic. I love when people use less plastic makes me happy!!
Kayla Norris
Love the information and the picture you chose. I didn’t realize they could strap to the front of cart. I saw the produce bags at tj maxx and didn’t want to wait in line. I should go back for them !
Oh my goodness…. I am obsessed with the produce bags! You have to get them 🙂
Naomi Vought
This would make a wonderful item to use while I grocery shop.
Sandra Watts
Oh yes, these are the type of bags I need. I love that they sit on the cart like that.
Leslie Ross
These bags are so cute and so perfect for my crazy life. Organizing my groceries yes!!!
kath g
I’d seen pictures of these and thought they would be handy as I loved the idea of them spanning the shopping cart…but I had no idea they had pockets, coolers, removable rods, etc….they really thought of everything. Now I see they are a must have and will be a great gift for family and friends who I know will appreciate them too..
Maryann Drapkin
This Lotus Trolly Bag System would be so helpful to me. I always purchase reusable bags, they often tear. This seems so well made.
This is such a great idea! That cooler bag would be perfect here in FL.
I love Croatia
Absolutely stunning! A very original and beautiful idea!