Shadow Loves His New Look From PetSmart® Grooming! #PetSmartGrooming #sponsored
PetSmart offers grooming for your dogs and cats (Cats at select locations as the groomers require extra training)… and I would recommend this fabulous grooming service to any of my friends and family as well as my Savvy Readers! PetSmart ensures that they have the best people for the job and that is why I will be using their grooming services going forward. Did you know that all PetSmart salon associates acquire annual safety certification and take additional course work where they learn about dog anatomy, signs of stress and common pet medical conditions? Did you know that their groomers (those that give haircuts) receive an additional 400 hours of hands on training? Did you know that PetSmart Grooming salons offer a “Look Great Guarantee,” which is their promise that you’ll be happy with your pet’s service, or they’ll do whatever it takes to make it right. They will work with you until you’re happy or it’s free. The best part……… you can book an appointment online (even choosing your favorite groomer) and get text alerts or emails notifying you when your pet is ready to be picked up! That is what I did with Shadow… as cats can take a bit longer. The perfect example is Shadow being afraid of the dryer. Jaime took the extra time to make him feel comfy and dried him periodically to ensure he felt comfortable with the process and that means a lot to me. She called and texted me when he was ready and told me all about Shadow’s experiences when I got there to pick him up. She seemed extremely comfortable with Shadow & cats in general and told me all about her own. I will definitely be visiting again in the near future to take care of Shadows grooming needs because Jaime truly knew how to handle Shadow and make the grooming experience a plus for him. Jaime is now Shadows preferred groomer and I will spread the word to my friends and family.
Do you have a Furry Family Member that could use a grooming service from PetSmart? You can book Online now and schedule your next appointment HERE.
Remember… they groom your dogs and at select locations will groom you cats! You can call your nearest location to see if they do the full grooming service for your Furry Kitties and of course they are trained to groom your Furry Doggies in all ways…. and they do it well!
As Always, Thanks for Visiting Deliciously Savvy and Leave Some Comment Love While You Are Here!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of PetSmart . The opinions and text are all mine.
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Carol Smith
He is such a handsome cat and I love those long whiskers! He looks so shiny and sharp after his grooming session. Actually in the last pictures his expressions look like he knows how handsome he is!
We have a yellow lab mix who could use a grooming just to help with shedding! I had NO idea that cats could be groomed…I can see the difference in Shadow’s fur…amazing!
Amber Ludwig
Oooh I had no clue they did cats either! What a great option especially for long haired cats prone to tangles!! Did they actually bathe him??
Yes they did bathe him but it is a dry shampoo and a conditioning treatment. They did great with him and honestly with the weather getting nicer he would be shedding like crazy…. but not at all since his groom…. make sure you check it out. 🙂
He is a handsome cat!
Shadow looks great!!! I can see such a difference 🙂 Way to go Shadow, and especially, Mom!!
Dotty J Boucher
What a ham, he all brave sitting there and getting groomed, I always here such wonderful things about the work that petsmart does..
Regina Elliott
He is a very lucky cat ! And a very good looking one too !
Sarah L
My cat never had a professional grooming although I did brush her every day.
Very cute cat.
Susan P.
One benefit of having a cat professionally groomed is less shedding which is always a good thing. I know some people don’t trim their cat’s nails so that would be another benefit.
Sandra Watts
Looking good Shadow. Keeping up with the Kardashians.
Teresa Britton
What a gorgeous cat. My first cat was a tuxedo, and they are my favorite. PetSmart did a great job.
tara pittman
This is a great way to lessen the hair. I would use this service if I had a cat.
Wow, I had no idea! How did your little guy handle it emotionally? I think my cats would probably FREAK OUT!
He actually really liked it…. I was honestly very nervous but he did so well and when I got home… he seemed super happy to have all of that extra coat off all while looking dapper. I swear I think he liked it almost like a day at the salon for myself 🙂
Barb Stenby
My friend is a groomer at petsmart and he really does love his job. They take great care of their customers (cats dogs etc) They also use great products on them and are very knowledgeable about animals
Margot C
I have three tuxedo cats and I have taken the one with the long fluffy (dirty) fur to PetSmart too!
I was slightly scared… but they did such a great job with him and I was amazed at how fabulous he looked afterwards! I really loved it! Thanks for commenting 🙂
I had NO IDEA that PetSmart offers grooming services for cats! My cats are 7 and just-turned-8 years old now (how time flies!), and we’ve always gone to Banfield for veterinary care. (Banfield is the clinic inside / attached to Banfield.) Neither is declawed, but I take care to clip their claws when they get too long– a good indicator is when they start “sticking to things,” like blankets. :p I also brush both of them, use moistened Q-Tips every so often, and recently started using “cat wipes” (found them on Amazon) on their fur coat / skin every so often. (The cat wipes were really helpful in the wintertime, when their skin got a bit more dry.)
I think that both of my cats could benefit from some pro grooming services. I’m really glad that I caught this post, and I’ll be sure to check this out. Thank you! 🙂
Looks so cute, what a beautiful cat!
Preeya Bhinda
Your looks so classy and cute with that bow tie!Otherwise they did a great job.
Margot C
I just Fulminated my cat Leonardo and you could have stuffed a small pillow with the massive cloud of underfur that came off of him. He looks thiner.