What Are The Most Positive Dietary Habits To Keep?
What Are The Most Positive Dietary Habits To Keep?
If you’re a functioning human, you will have a relationship to food your entire life. A relationship to food that becomes tainted can be a very sad state of affairs, as there is no way around requiring it to survive. In our technologically marvelous society of plenty, it can be easy to forget how lucky we are to have access to such an abundance of food. It’s easy to forge negative or unhelpful dietary habits over the course of our lives. Some of them are temporary, some are more difficult to get rid of.
Still, no matter who you are, identifying the problems faced here and trying your best to resolve them can be the best way around forming any issues that affect your physical, mental and spiritual health. The following lifelong dietary habits will see you in good stead, whether your goal is to gain muscle, burn belly fat, or simply be as healthy as possible on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis.
Know What You’re Eating
You are what you eat. This cliche sounds boring to hear, but it absolutely is true. The food you eat fuels and becomes the energy your cells use to maintain themselves, regenerate and even exist in a useful manner. For this reason, what you eat is more important to think about than simply trying to prevent a stomach ache or putting excess weight on.
There are many stages to the food production process, and some can be more helpful than others. If you have any interest whatsoever in ensuring that you eat only what is good for you, then locally sourcing your food is a worthwhile course of action. If you can find your essentials through local grocers, butchers, farm shops and specialist independent businesses, then more power to you. This way you can avoid the most processed, unnatural, spray foodstuffs which promise to give you a belly ache at best, and potentially poison your health over time.
Keep Disciplined
Your body reacts to food differently over time. If you eat fast food regularly, your body adapts to that and becomes more used to experiencing that as part of its daily schedule. This means that your tolerance for harmful sugars, processed foods and simple carbs does raise. It doesn’t mean it affects your body any less negatively than before. Keeping disciplined with your diet means keeping consistent, and drawing up a food schedule. It means limiting your food indulgences to select cheat days depending on the schedule you have to work with. The best part about keeping disciplined with a diet, be that a ketogenic, paleo or another form of method, is that over time you become adapted to these foods. They become the new norm. This is especially the case for ketogenic people that use ketogenic supplements alongside their diet. If you’re purely on a keto diet, it may be a good idea to check out a Keto OS Supplement Review, as these kinds of supplements can make your keto diet much easier to cope with.
For example, someone who has been on a ketogenic diet for a while, staying away from sugar and refined carbohydrates will most likely be stunned at how their body reacts to a simple cheeseburger or slice of cake. They will often wonder how they managed to digest and experience such a heavy burden of diet for so long, and be grateful for the new clean method of eating. For people who have been used to eating junk for a while, this can feel like an absolute miracle.
One of my friends has tried both the keto diet and Weight Watchers over the years. She has found that, when on the keto diet she lost weight very quickly whereas the Weight Watchers took a little longer. If you’re tempted to give one of these diets a go, this handy Weight Watchers vs keto diet blog post sorts out the key differences and benefits of the two different approaches to weight loss.
Prevent Yo-Yo Dieting
Yo-yo dieting is when a diet is seen to irregularly, or when multiple diets are tried over a period of months. It might be tempting to eat in this way, particularly if you haven’t been seeing many results with your initial efforts of dieting. However, doing so can fool your body into a strange routine of eating, and as a result it can put on excess weight in order to mitigate the differences. Anyone who is hoping to develop a more healthy relationship to the food they consume should understand the dangers of this happening, as it sets up a strange and often untenable habit that can become long term and prevent any progress whatsoever.
This can also cause confusion on the part of the person hoping to improve themselves through a diet. It’s not as if dieting and nutritional accuracy is easy in the first instance, and so introducing issues in these cases that could potentially make your relationship to food even more complex is something to avoid. This is particularly true if this is your first effort attempting to improve your dietary habits, as long form and sustainable methods are always going to be the most successful at repeating results. With experience in dieting successfully, you will always have something to rely on if you ever accidentally slip into weight gain once more.
With these tips, you’ll hopefully keep a lifetime of correct and guilt-free eating habits.
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This is great information. Food is what fuels our bodies and sustains us, so it’s important to make healthy dietary choices. Thanks for sharing!
Cathy Jarolin
I enjoyed your post very Much! I am a yoyo dieter and everytime I stop my diet i gain a few pounds more then when I started. I can see how your body gets all messed up and doesnt know what to use first! Lol! I need to have a reg mild work out session every day. I also need to eat more fresh veggies. I also need to watch my Carbs. If I can do all of these changes my Body will be happier and me too! Thank You for Sharing..