Keeping Your Pets and Your Planet Clean: Natural Pet Cleaning Products
Can you imagine life without pets to keep us company?
It wouldn’t be worth living! No matter the animal, pets put smiles on our faces and turn houses into homes. It’s no wonder that 85 million American families have (at least) one.
Pet ownership isn’t all sunshine, rainbows, and cuddles on the couch though. If you are on the hunt for the perfect pooch for you and your family, check out the Goody Pet’s article on the least smelly dog breeds. I stumbled upon The Goody Pet, which is a wonderful community of pet lovers that have banded together to provide its readers with a trove of information on how to better care for your pet. The article above is the perfect read for pet lovers, especially if you are deciding on what dog to welcome into your family as I had no idea that there were breeds that are less smelly than others.
These beloved animals also have a habit of leaving dirt, fur, and nasty smells in their wake- leaving you to clean up after them. That’s why it’s so important to be well-stocked with natural pet cleaning products. Non-toxic and eco-friendly, they’re great for your household’s hygiene and the wellbeing of your furry friends.
Alas, with no shortage of options on the shelves, knowing which products are right for the job can be a challenge. Know the struggle and want some help with the decision? Read on to discover the most environment-friendly pet cleaning products out there.
Tincture Cleaning Products
Tincture is the perfect place to begin your search for pet-safe cleaning products. An award-winning brand, this company offers a range of cleaning solutions for any need. From an all-purpose spray to floor and furniture cleaners, you’re sure to find something that’ll sort out your pet’s latest mess!
All of their products are 100% natural too. They leverage the power of essential oils, herbal ingredients, and active silver to steamroll through messy situations. You get the same results with none of the harmful chemicals that can harm your pets and pollute the environment.
The best part? It’s all vegan-okay and has been dermatologically-tested too. That means you can use these products in the comforting knowledge that you aren’t contributing to animal or environmental suffering.
Begley’s Pet Stain and Odor Remover
Of all the bugbears pet owners have to handle, stains and odors have to be two of the most common! Whether your puppy has an accident or your cat decides against the litter tray, bad stains and smells are ubiquitous when you’ve got animals around.
The good news is that Begley’s Pet Stain and Odor remover can sort both issues out in no time.
This amazing product is made from natural enzymes and various sweet-smelling essential oils. These natural ingredients help to break down stains and eliminate odors, without leaving any nasty chemicals behind. From wood to upholstery, you can use it on almost any surface too.
Looking for proof of its eco-friendly credentials? The company’s tagline is ‘Earth Responsible Products’! Expect zero alcohol and recyclable materials as a result.
You can browse this website or others like it for further examples of similar products.
Unique Natural Products Pet Odor and Stain Remover
Here’s another stain and odor remover that’s well worth a mention. Unique Natural Products has created an alternative to the spray bottles you usually find. This time, you mix their concentrated formula with hot water before applying it to affected areas.
The result? You can expect a thorough clean-up of any accidents, which eradicates all germs, smells, and visible marks. You only have to read a few of its positive reviews to realize that this particular cleaning product can work where others fall short.
Better still, it does the job with non-toxic microbes instead of the usual heavy chemicals you find in other cleaners. Its recyclable bottle is another nice touch for the eco-conscious pet owner.
Puracy Natural Multi-Surface Cleaner
As you know, not all pet messes are made equal. Some require time-consuming, heavy-duty cleanup operations, whereas others only demand minor attention. If you’re dealing with the latter, then get your hands on some of Puracy’s Natural Multi-Surface Cleaner.
A general-purpose spray that’s natural and plant-based, it’s one of the best nontoxic pet cleaning products on the market today. Given its strength and non-toxic ingredients, though, it’s also a useful product for pet-related problems! Better still, it can be used on everything from glass and wood to stainless steel, leaving behind a sweet fragrance at the same time.
Oh, and if the mess is more serious, then Puracy also sells a carpet and upholstery shampoo too. Boasting all the same attributes as the multi-surface cleaner, you’re sure to be impressed with the results.
Bicarbonate of Soda and Vinegar
You don’t always need fancy brands and the latest science to clean up after your pet in a safe and environmentally-friendly manner! Sometimes, the old-school, tried-and-tested methods are best. And very few cleaning solutions fit this description better than good old-fashioned sodium bicarbonate (aka bicarbonate of soda) and vinegar.
Bicarb has been used as a cleaner forever and a day! It’s well-known to absorb nasty odors and remove visible marks too. Combine it with vinegar for an effective and homemade, all-natural cleaning solution for your pet’s messes.
Funky Pet Zone’s Pet Potion
Never heard of a pet potion before? We hadn’t either. Until that is, we came across this one from Funky Pet Zones.
In effect, they’re sweet-smelling pet perfumes that neutralize any nasty smells on your animal(s). That means no more tumultuous baths or hose-downs for the dog! You can keep them smelling great and avoid those horrible odors from rubbing off onto your clothes and furnishings in the process.
Oh, and Funky Pet Zone’s potions contain ingredients that are non-toxic and food-grade too. Your pets can smell great without being covered in harmful chemicals.
Remember These Natural Pet Cleaning Products
Everybody with pets in their house understands the joy they deliver to the family. However, they’re also far too familiar with the choresthey create too! These lovable rogues love nothing more than to tread dirt in carpets or leave nasty smells in their wake.
Thankfully, there’s a wide range of natural pet cleaning products that can make light work of any task at hand (without harming your pets or the environment in the process!). We hope this post has highlighted the best of them. Would you like to read more articles like this one?
Search ‘Pets’ on the website now.
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