Savvy Style

How to Personalize Your Style and Your Body

One of the best ways to feel more confident and comfortable in your skin is to truly own your body and your style. But what does this mean?

Well, everyone has their own style, it’s just defining that style for yourself. Maybe not all of the tips and tricks listed in this post will be for you, but that’s okay. The key is that you’re happy.

Get Inspired

First, you want to work out what you like. So check out different styles and fashions and let them inspire you. You don’t need to follow every trend, but they can be helpful for helping you identify the clothes you love and can see yourself wearing.

Experiment with different styles and look for potential investments that will last. You might have different looks for different seasons or occasions. But when you put your stamp on it and choose what you wear because you love how it looks, not because it happens to be trendy right now, you’re more likely to wear clothes that you’re comfortable with.

Don’t forget about accessories while you’re at it. These can turn your clothes into a complete outfit, dressing it up or down according to your preferences. Jewelry also says so much about you and can be a great finishing touch.

Play With Your Hair

Some people are blessed with hair that stays healthy and grows very quickly, but no matter what type of hair you have, it’s important to make the most of it. 

First, do what you can do look after your hair. Use the right products for your hair type and wash it according to its needs, not according to what everyone else does. Your hair is unique, so take care of it.

From there, you can experiment with different cuts, styles, and even colors. Again, do your research and consider speaking to a hair stylist about different cuts that you like the idea of. Some people suit certain styles more than others. 

On a similar note, it’s always best to go to a salon when getting your hair dyed, especially if you’re going for a bright color. Hair dye can be unpredictable, and a stylist knows how to mix the dye and apply it for the best results and the healthiest hair.

Body Art

You don’t have to stop with your hair and clothes. You can also decorate and personalize your body.

The most common form of body art is makeup. Yes, makeup is an art form. While simple makeup can hide flaws and accentuate certain features, some makeup can be truly beautiful in its own right.But what about more permanent options? Henna and other forms of body art can last for a short time, and you can enjoy some stunning patterns. Or, if you have a design in mind that you truly love, a realism tattoo might be a good option. Tattoos can be beautiful and meaningful, but it’s vital that you use a trusted artist and look after your skin before and after the tattoo.

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