How To Clean Your Living Room
Living in a clean, well-lit place can add years to your life – literally. If you constantly breathe in dust and live in dirt, you won’t feel good about your residence or your health. Here are some tips to ensure that cleaning your home is easy and fun. With spring around the corner, now is the perfect time to get ready.
You may want to have cleaning supplies ready, as well as an empty hamper and trash bags, just in case. Put on some music that gets you pumped up and start cleaning. Make sure it’s bright enough to see what you’re doing, and if necessary open a window or two to allow outdoor lighting and some fresh air into your home.
If you have wooden floors, you will have to sweep, and if you have a carpet, vacuum it. Remember to hit all of the areas out of sight, underneath your bed, bureaus, and in your closet. If you do have a carpet, you may have to work a little harder. Carpets can grab onto any dirt, dust or stains. It’s important that every 6 months or so you have your carpet professionally cleaned. Professional cleaners, such as Carpet Cleaning Laguna Niguel, have heavy-duty equipment that can clean carpet much better than a household vacuum can. You might also find a professional carpet cleaning service appropriate if you have quite a few stains on the carpet or have pets who malt. Dust off your desk, lamps, and any other indoor lighting. Try to get in touch with highly recommended cleaners if any complicated situation arises.
Organizing Store
If you find that you have a lot of clutter, you may want to dispose of some (this is where the trash bags come in), give some away, or re-organize it in your room. New dressers, hangers or drawers may be a good investment, especially if you find clothing overflowing from your closet. Put all of the excesses on your bed or in the middle of your floor to be organized when you are finished cleaning. Set dirty clothes in your hamper.
If you find any dirty dishes or cups, bring them to the kitchen. If you have books lying around your room, dust and organize them. Be careful not to get too distracted, though. You still have work to do.
The Bed
You should change your sheets weekly, or bi-weekly at most. You may scoff, but sleeping on clean linens is much more comfortable. If you haven’t flipped your mattress for six months, doing so will increase the lifespan of it, as well as allow you to sleep more soundly. Always make your bed; it will help you to feel better about the general cleanliness of your room.
If there’s anything you missed, clean and reorganize it. You may consider moving furniture around to clean behind it and to change the Feng shui of the room. If there are any odds-and-ends you want to keep, put them in a shoebox or a drawer and forget about them until a rainy day.
After you’ve cleaned and used organizing products for your home, you will feel much better about it. Try to do this weekly and it won’t take as long as when you let the filth and clothing build up.
The above are some of the easiest ways to clean your living room. Follow the above guidelines and you will always be in a clean room. Recall it is your duty to clean your living room if you care about your health! Do your cleaning now!
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Lauryn R
These are great cleaning tips, thanks for sharing! I personally have a very hard time relaxing and concentrating on anything when things are messy and organized.
Donna L Holder
i wish my living room looked like that
Tamra Phelps
This is a good plan, very organized. Too often, my plan starts with ‘oh, no, someone’s on their way over!’ And ends with me throwing everything in the closet, lol.
Sarah L
I always clean with music. Usually show tunes that I sing along with.
Nancy Burgess
Good tips thanks for sharing.
Linda Manns Linneman
Having a clean home makes me feel much better. I find myself getting depressed if I come home to a dirty or messy home. Thank you so much for sharing this great article
Paula Ball
I do rescue & currently have 4 huge kennels/crates in my living room! It is so hard to keep everything clean especially since it’s rained every days for 2 weeks. Let me just say, Swifter is my friend!
Edna Williams
These are awesome tips! I will definitely be putting them to the test! Thanks for sharing!
Minta Boggs
These are great tips to how to clean your living room! Your living room is beautiful.
Sue E
I really like the color and neat organization of the living room picture. We clean thoroughly every six months or when it needs it. Some of my grandkids have allergies and we all have pets, so it is necessary to clean more. My mom used to rearrange the furniture just to make sure the room got cleaned! We always air out our house in the winter time. So the cold air could kill many of the festering germs that come with winter. I am extremely fussy about our beds keeping clean! Those are some good tips!
Tara Torres
I love the textures in that living room.
Sue E
I don’t know what happened to my comment, so I am going to try and do it again. I love the colors and furniture in the living room picture above. You can tell that living room is spotless. I don’t see pet hair or dirt. Nothing!! I try to keep my house pet hair free, but it’s a losing battle! My daughter’s house has a lot of furry friends. We have to use a lint brush when we leave her house! We sweep, vacuum, & dust a lot.
One thing I do like doing is when we leave the house in the winter, we open up windows to get the stuffiness out and kill the festering germs that love the warmth. It helps with the other cleaning chores we do to try and keep us healthy! Thank you for sharing!
Kim Thorne
very useful. info now if I can only get that kind of help to organize my bedroom,lol
About time to clean the living room, thanks for the tips
Karen Propes
Great tips! We have a long-haired doxie and he can shed so much hair, we have to clean daily. We try and shave him during the summer months and that really helps cleaning and him getting heated. But I’m a stickler for clean. Cleaning in sections helps me also.