How To Boost Your Self Confidence When You Are a Working Mom

You already have lots to think about when you are a working mom. You have your kids to look after, a job to hold down and household duties to perform. So feeling overwhelmed is perfectly normal. Over time this can start to affect your confidence and self esteem, which you do not want to let it do. So here are some examples of how you can boost yours, if you feel like life is getting you down.
Keep a Journal For Your Thoughts
It can be therapeutic to have a journal in which you can write how you are feeling at the time. Whether it is happiness, anger, frustration or sadness, write down what you are thinking and how you feel. You might also establish what is worrying you and how to resolve any stresses or worries that you may have that are impacting your positive thoughts.

Do an Activity That You Enjoy
There will be a hobby or interest that you enjoy doing that perhaps you have not completed in a while. This will give you the confidence boost to prove that you are capable of something and have a skill that perhaps another person does not have. It doesn’t matter what the activity is as long as you enjoy it and it makes you feel more confident about yourself.
Treat Yourself
Spend money on yourself for a change, whether it is a trip to the hair salon, a brand new outfit, cartilage rings, or a lovely home accessory to put in your bedroom. If you haven’t bought anything for yourself in a long time then it is certainly time that you did!

Chat With a Friend
Making time to chat to a friend or family member can really boost your self esteem. So whether you meet up in person, have a chat on the phone or video chat, it can certainly help to bring a smile to your face if you spend a bit of time chatting away to someone who you are close to.
Eat a Balanced Diet
It is true that you are what you eat, so if you eat unhealthy foods a lot of the time, chances are you are not going to feel great and have much energy. If you can try to eat a nice healthy, balanced diet that incorporates all the food groups, particularly fruit and veg then it will certainly boost your mood and self confidence. When you don’t feel bloated or lacking energy and feel good when you put your clothes on, this can have tremendous positive effects on your mental wellbeing regarding how you look and feel about yourself.
Do a Social Media Detox
If you are in the habit of scrolling through social media each day then it is likely this is having a negative effect on your outlook and positivity. It can create a false impression that the people around you are leading ‘a perfect life’, as you compare your situation, whether it is the interior of your home or what you have achieved in your life.
Try to reduce the amount of time you spend scrolling through social media and comparing your life to others as this is not going to help with your own self confidence and effectively makes you lose valuable time you could be spending doing something productive.

Get Some Exercise
If you have a tendency to work from home or in an office setting when you are not looking after the kids then perhaps you are not getting as much exercise as you could. It doesn’t need to be an intense workout but just going out for a brisk walk or gentle run will get those endorphins pumping in your brain which will certainly make you feel better and as a consequence, happier and more positive about yourself.
Have People In Your Life You Can Rely On
If you are typically the friend or relative that has to listen to everyone’s problems, then over time this can negatively impact your mood. You will find yourself trying to resolve everyone else’s problems which will not enable you to get things off your chest that are bothering you. So it is important to maintain a balance and also surround yourself with positive people who are there for you when you need it and are able to lift you up when required.
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