Hemp Product Supplier or Trader: Who should go for Hemp Testing?
Today, the demonstrated therapeutic benefits of hemp products have increased their demand in the entire globe. This is part of the reason why the Farm Bill amendments of 2018 opened the doors for open trade in cannabis products. Indeed, even other stakeholders, such as the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) have removed some cannabinoids from the list of prohibited substances.

The effect of the new supportive legal framework is a sudden rush to cater to the surging demand. But the bad news is that some manufacturers are only interested in optimizing profits as opposed to creating high-quality hemp products. To address this, the best solution is subjecting the products to third party testing in independent laboratories.
However, some traders have been asking: who should take the samples for testing: the supplier or trader? The answer is that you are responsible for the merchandise in your store, so it is your responsibility. Here are some considerations why you should only stock hemp products after testing them.
Most Suppliers Work with Manufacturers to Market their Products
Like other niches, the process of manufacturing products is complex and demanding. So, they contract suppliers to market products on their behalf.
Although you expect the suppliers to provide the right information, such as the cannabinoid profile of a product, the details are at times altered to make the product look attractive.
For example, researchers have found some hemp products with lower quantities of cannabidiol (CBD) than advertised. Simply put, even if the supplier indicates that the products have been tested, it is still crucial to subject them for further testing.
Clients Coming to Your Store Expect to Get the Best Products
When clients come to your store, you are the face of the hemp products on sale. Therefore, if they establish that they are of high-quality and reliable, you get all the credit. But if the hemp products are of low-quality and not helpful, clients will walk away and look for other sellers. This implies that you cannot shift blame to suppliers for stocking poor quality products. So, make sure to test your products and always offer your clients the best.
You Can Easily Identify the Trustworthy Suppliers
As the hemp industry expands, the truth is that suppliers are crucial part of the supply chain. Therefore, even if some of them use the wrong information and risk businesses, you have to work and identify the good ones. The best way to do this is by subjecting the hemp products they supply for further testing in third party laboratories.
*If a supplier provides the right information that corresponds to what is in the packaging, he/she is trustworthy.
*A good supplier should have products that do not have harmful content, such as heavy metals, bio-contaminants, and pesticides.
Avoiding to Get into Conflict with the Law
The Farm Bill is pretty clear, especially on the levels of THC that cannabis products should have. Therefore, if you stock products without subjecting them to third-party laboratory tests, there is a danger of getting caught with products having more than 0.3% THC. This could attract severe penalties for your business.
In this post, we have demonstrated that subjecting your hemp products for further tests in a third party laboratory is your responsibility. Remember to also ensure you select the best laboratory for such tests.
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