Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

Find An Easy Approval Insurance Policy For Your Life Insurance Needs

Are you looking to purchase life insurance? Are you looking for a quality life insurance policy that is fast and easy to set up without the need of a medical exam? Well you have come to the right place because there are several life Insurance policies available that do not require a medical exam in order to obtain coverage. Maybe you are about to start a new family and are super busy and have no time to jump through hoops to obtain insurance for your families security or maybe you just have a phobia of the doctors office and prefer to find a plan that requires no medical exam so that you can receive easy approval and get the coverage you need quickly. Well I have great news as this is all possible today due to insurance policies that require no medical exam. These no medical exam insurance policies are plentiful and still allow you to choose from Whole Life Insurance, Term Life Insurance and Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance.  Below I will discuss the many benefits of no medical exam life insurance and why it may be the perfect fit for you.

Benefits of No Medical Exam Life Insurance

Quick Approval Process

If you know anything about life insurance then you know that traditonal life insurance policies often take weeks or even months to process due to all of the steps required. There are the steps of medical exams and also the underwriting process that eats up a lot of your time. This is where no medical exam policies come in handy as they can be approved in a matter of days or in some cases even hours which provides you with the peace of mind that you are looking for.


Do you possibly have health issues or preexisting conditions? This can be a game changer for traditional life insurance but not with no medical exam life insurance. These policies are perfect for anyone with preexisting conditions as they would more than likely have been declined by traditional insurance policies. No medical exam insurance policies offer the chance for coverage where there might otherwise have been none.


A no medical exam life insurance policy is the perfect choice for busy individuals or those with medical anxieties. With this type of policy you get to skip having to schedule and undergo a medical exam which can be very appealing to anyone looking to avoid this process. It is also covenient in that it provides you the coverage you need and in a super speedy fashion.

The Different Types of No Medical Exam Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance is a type of life insurance policy that has a specified end date, like let’s say 20 years from the start date. This means that the death benefit will only be paid out if the insured dies during this time period of coverage. Term life insurance is typically at a lower fee too, so I find it to be the most popular as well. You can find term life policies for different lengths of time and when one expires you can start a new one to keep yourself covered.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance tends to cost more out of pocket, but it is permanent coverage, meaning it will pay a specific death benefit, or payout, in return for keeping your while life insurance policy in good standing. This means you will be covered for life, unlike term life insurance which expires in a set amount of time… whether your term life policy be 10 or 20 years for example. Another benefit of whole life insurance is that it offers the added benefit of cash value accumulation over time which can be handy as you get older and find yourself in need of the extra funds.

Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance

Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance is a type of whole life insurance policy that does not require you to answer any health questions, undergo a medical exam, or allow an insurance company to review your medical and prescription records. This type of policy is the perfect choice for anyone that wants coverage but that has significant health issues. The downside is that it can be much more expensive all while providing a lower payout. It is also sometimes referred to as ‘Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance’, ‘no questions life insurance’ or ‘no questions final expense insurance’.

So what do you think of the benefits of life insurance coverage with no medical exam required? Is this an attractive option for you? Make sure to do your research when deciding on which company to purchase your policy from but make sure that you get that coverage as it is so important. There will be many changes in your life as you grow older, especially as find yourself with a family and lots of responsibilities. You will want to ensure that your family is cared for in the event something were to happen to you and the three different types of life insurance policies above are the perfect way to do just that.

This post is a collaboration between Deliciously Savvy and Responsival, and all opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for stopping by and make sure you enter a giveaway or two before you leave!


  • Ben Butler

    It definitely is for me. I actually have a term life insurance plan. It’s an excellent option for covering my loved ones in those key years when things could be dicey if I die.

  • Kathy

    Finding the right life insurance can be tricky. I’ve always made sure to look around to find the best deals.

  • Christy G

    I can’t get a typical life insurance policy due to my health. It stinks because I accidentally let my policy lapse. I forgot about it being on a cc and I got a new one and didn’t update it. They wouldn’t let me catch up my payment because it was too far gone. I do have an accidental policy though.

  • Kat

    Navigating life insurance can be daunting, but your tips make it seem manageable. Finding an easy approval policy is crucial for peace of mind. Thanks for simplifying the process!

  • Melanie E

    My husband and I both made sure we had life insurance in place once we had kids. It’s important to have just in case and means that the family has some kind of financial assistance should the unthinkable happen.

  • Yeah Lifestyle

    I was lucky enough to apply for mine online – which suited me so much more. You want these processes to be as simple as possible, so this is a great option.

  • Rhian Scammell

    I’m quite lucky as I get life insurance through my work benefits, but I did opt to pay a bit more for a better level of cover. My husbands we have bought separately though and these are great things to look out for x

  • Sue-Tanya Mchorgh

    Are you looking to purchase life insurance quickly and easily without the need for a medical exam? You’re in the right place! There are several quality life insurance policies available that don’t require a medical exam. Whether you’re starting a new family and are too busy to deal with the usual hassles or you have a phobia of doctors, you can still get the coverage you need quickly. No medical exam policies are plentiful, offering options like Whole Life Insurance, Term Life Insurance, and Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance. Below, we’ll explore the many benefits of no medical exam life insurance and why it might be the perfect fit for you.

  • lavandamichelle

    Finding an easy approval life insurance policy without a medical exam is a lifesaver. It’s great to know there are options like this to keep my family secure without the hassle.

  • laura

    This is something that I struggle with. As I read your post I have a better understanding of it. And I do need to check it out. Thanks for sharing

  • Celebrate Woman Today

    Educating ourselves about the options for life insurance is important. Great post giving us ideas how to do it.

  • Lynndee

    Having a life insurance is very important for your family’s peace of mind. I agree, you have to do your research and choose the one that suits you and your family’s needs.

    • mcushing7

      It really is and it is something no one wants to think or deal with but it is a good thing to do for your family. I appreciate you!

  • Khush

    That’s amazing that we don’t have to go for medical exam here otherwise it’s a task to get the medical exam for other life insurances.