Savvy Pet Tips

How To Ensure The Trip To The Vets Goes Smoothly!

Going to the vets often fills a pet owner with dread. Trying to get them in the car is bad enough, but it can be very stressful once you arrive and your pet sees the vet. Here is how to ensure the trip to the vets goes smoothly.


Feed them before you go

One of the top ways to ensure the trip to the vet goes smoothly is to act as normal as possible before you go. Keep your pet’s routine and feed it just as you typically would. If you don’t feed them before you go to the vets, they will be more stressed when you put them in the car. They will be hungry, and it might be a while before they go home. Take treats to feed them on the way back home from the vets as it will help to calm them down.


Make it as quick as possible

To make the trip to the vets painless, it’s a good idea to make it go as quickly as possible. Don’t go extremely early otherwise, your pet will get very upset while you wait to see the vet. Also, don’t hang around afterwards… so you can get home and let your pet be back in their natural environment. If there is a long queue to get the pet’s prescription, you may want to get it online to ensure you can head home with the pet. There are several websites where you can now order Pet Prescriptions as long as you have a prescription from the vet. It’s often a lot cheaper as well so it’s worth looking into.


Make sure the journey is comfortable

To ensure the trip to the vet goes smoothly, you should make sure they are comfortable during the journey. Pets often get frightened in cars, so it’s worth making sure the journey is as quick as possible. You need to get your pet used to the carrier as well to ensure it’s less stressful. If you only use it when you take your pet to the vets, it might be time to get it out more regularly. As this article reveals, try and introduce it into their daily lives. Leave it open on the floor and the pet may sleep or play in it. You should also ensure you put treats and toys in there, so it has some comfort on the way to the vets.


Prepare questions for vet in advance

Another way you can ensure the trip to the vets runs smoothly is to prepare questions in advance for the vet. Write down a list of everything you need to ask them while you are there. It will mean you don’t end up sitting down later wishing you had asked something else. You can call the office and ask if you are unsure about anything once you are home. A good vet/dyrlege (depending on where you are) should always tell you everything you need to know, however, so don’t stress about thinking of every little thing – that’s what the vet is there for!


Remember you need to stay cool if you want the experience to be less stressful for your pet. Try and stay positive and your pet will feel happier about going to the vets.



  • Carrie

    These are some great tips. Our dog is great at the vet, but we are getting a new puppy in just a few weeks and these will be great for her

  • Margot Core

    My dog Milo doesn’t mind the vet; he likes the much ‘marked’ rock garden out front. The cats are another matter. I have this great carrier that is also a bed. So, all I do is zip the top onto a place where the cat already likes to be. You can tell that they think this is a lousy trick, but it’s so much better than trying to stuff one of them in one of those box carriers.

    This is it:

  • Terry Poage

    I hate going to the vet with my dog. The cats are pretty easy since they are in a cage but the dog is a nightmare. Thanks for sharing these tips.

  • Jeanna Massman

    These are great tips! We can all use help when it comes to pet control at the vet’s office!

  • Cheryl Everitt

    Our dog is 13 and blind. A trip out of his surroundings is very stressful for him. We have to hold him and reassure him that we are there. Thanks for the awesome tips.

  • Carissa joslyn

    Most of my animals are okay with traveling to the vet. But I have one dog, Thunder-who has ALWAYS gotten Carseat anytime he gets in a car, even on his way home from being adopted. We usually have to give him Dramamine

  • David Smith

    Excellent tips for trips to the vet. Fortunately our dog hasn’t had to go to the vet very often and is OK with the trip, but really gets nervous when he gets put on the exam table.

  • Deb E

    My Yorkie was nervous about everything so the Vet was no different. Other pets made him nervous and he was clingy. These are some useful tips to remember, especially for little dogs.


    Just keep as calm as you can – remember they pick up on our feelings & if you’re nervous, they will be too.

  • Linda Manns Linneman

    Going to the vet can make for a tough time. I really appreciate this great information. Thank you so much for sharing

  • Linda Moffitt

    Our Dog Briella doesn’t know because we take her for rides other times for no reason so she doesn’t associate every car/truck ride with a vet/kennel trip


    GREAT TIPS ! we love our animals they are part of our family we always have a special place for them to!love the article