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6 Tips on How to Prepare Yourself for a Date

A little preparation can make a good date into a fantastic one. Not only does it give you the opportunity to get the most out of your date, but you will also feel relaxed, which does help to contribute to the enjoyment of the whole experience. If you are here because you are particularly nervous, then relax, take some deep breaths, and follow the upcoming tips to help you on your way. It is okay to express your nerves to your date; chances are they are feeling the same way. If they don’t, then this can work out great as they can take control to ensure that you have a great time. This works both ways. If you don’t feel nervous, but your date does and you feel little under pressure, I suggest reading this interesting article packed with tips that will help you to feel more confident. Below are additional ideas on how to make the date go smoothly.

Preparing for the Date

If you are taking control of the date and you aren’t sure what to do, then knowing what your date enjoys can help with your preparation. You can be subtle about this to make the date an unexpected surprise, or you can be upfront, which can help to reassure your date that you will be doing something they enjoy and/or you want to make them happy. If you are planning a meal, asking questions about food preferences is important, so you can come to a mutual agreement on where to go. If your date is taking control and is asking you what you would like to do, don’t be afraid to give feedback.

The Day Before

The night before your date, do a skincare routine to make you feel good and bright in the morning. Make sure you get plenty of rest, at least eight hours is best. Sleeping enough will put you in a better mood and will prevent wrinkles and dark under-eye circles, making you feel radiant and refreshed. Shaving or waxing and/or tidying up facial/body hair is a great way to make you feel better about yourself. Make sure that all the tools you use for shaving or trimming are sharp or in good working order for the best results. Take a look at these women’s shavers if you’re wanting to use the best on the market. If you are waxing, try to do it at least 24 hours before your date so your skin has time to settle. If you are getting a new area waxed, such as your bikini area, then here is what to expect. Having your outfit planned before a date is also a great idea. It makes the date preparation on the day less stressful. Nothing is worse than putting on your favorite shirt and finding a stain on the front of it minutes before you need to leave.

Smell Good

Making sure you smell nice during a date is very important. If someone smells good, then they are automatically more attractive. It shows that they care about themselves, they are clean, and they also care about what you think. To start this off, take a bath or a shower before your date. This is the best way to smell, look and feel your best. Nothing is more off-putting than bad breath, so make sure you brush your teeth and use mouthwash before your date. Having a packet of chewing gum on you during the date is the best way to stay fresh, especially if you are going out for a meal and plan to spend time with your date afterward. Make sure your clothes are clean and for that extra kick of freshness. And finally, splash out on some great smelling perfume like those from They carry pheromones for both men and women and this is guaranteed to give you some good feedback and will leave a great impression. Just don’t use too much as it can overpower your date.

Look Good

Looking good is important if you want to make a good first impression, but it is even more important when it comes to making you feel good about yourself. If you feel good about yourself, then you are more likely to be chatty and confident during your date. Many people find this an attractive trait in a date. Make sure you style yourself to suit the date you are going on. There is no point in putting a ton of effort into a hairstyle if you are going to be on an active or sporty date, especially if you have long hair. The same applies to makeup. When putting on makeup, make sure you do it in a way to enhance your features. Less is more. Using minimal makeup to highlight your natural features and customizing it so it matches your personal preference as well as your outfit is the best way to go about feeling good about how you look.

Be Positive

When talking to your date, keep the conversation light and happy rather than being negative or complaining about something. You should use your time on your date to learn more about each other. If you use this time to complain about the traffic or work, then it may give off a negative impression to your date. It is okay to express some dislikes and annoyances, as this is a way to get to know each other but try to keep things positive for the majority of your date.

First Impressions

The key to a successful date is leaving a good impression and this needs to start from the beginning. Arriving on time is the first step. Nothing is worse than keeping your date waiting. During the date, make sure you ask questions. Even if your date is asking all the questions, it is best to talk equally about each other to show that you are interested in them and not just yourself. Think of questions you want to ask before the date, just in case the conversation dies a bit. Then at the end of your date, be honest. If you want to see them again, then let them know. If you didn’t enjoy yourself, then thank them for their company and apologize that it didn’t work out.

Dating is meant to be an enjoyable experience, so make sure you go in with a positive attitude. Not all dates will go well, but that isn’t something you should overthink. Finally, when dating, make sure you go about it safely.