
5 Tips To Increasing Your Bone Strength

1.Consume adequate calcium and vitamins

Bones are mainly composed of calcium, therefore it is rather important to maintain a healthy amount of calcium and vitamins in your diet. A diet rich in calcium builds bone strength and minimizes bone loss. Vitamins, especially vitamin D, are responsible for transporting the calcium. This is why everyone needs to consume a vitamin D rich diet, and children especially, are to be exposed to lots of Vitamin D to ensure that they develop strong bones. Vitamin D is most commonly associated with sunlight, but it is also available in milk and eggs, which are also great sources of calcium. 

2.Do not do drugs

Drugs, especially cigarettes can accelerate the rate of bone loss, especially for young adults and women over menopause. Nicotine is known to affect bone health, especially by inhibiting the secretion of the hormone calcitonin, which is responsible for building bones. Long term cigarette smoking will harbor the hormone from doing its job, which means that smokers have bones that are weaker and more brittle than non-smokers. However, it has been discovered that beer holds an important acid, called orthosilic acid, which is absorbed by the body and helps strengthen bones among a plethora of advantages. You can check out more on orthosilic acid and its benefits on


As it is with most of your body, exercise is vital in the maintenance of healthy bones. While many may claim that they exercise, through yoga and aerobics, these activities are not beneficial to bone strengthening. While basic exercise may be vital for improved heart health, it requires a bit more vigor to improve bone health. Activities that can strengthen bones include tennis, hiking, dancing, jumping rope, weight lifting and sprinting and long-distance running. These activities are intensive on the bones and will improve bone health as well as muscle and core strength.

4.Get adequate sleep

While inadequate sleep is known to have numerous adverse effects on the body, it is unexpected that it does affect bone health. However, research has shown that bone was broken down faster than it was replaced in individuals who have less than 6 hours of sleep every night. This imbalance increases the chance of bone loss which weakens bones and increases the chances of fractures and osteoporosis. To get over this problem, adults are encouraged to get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night to have optimum health. 

5.Maintain a healthy body weight

Research has shown that being either overweight or underweight has adverse effects on bone health. It turns out that underweight individuals have lower bone density resulting in more brittle bones. Losing weight at any age, especially during middle age has been observed to affect bone density. Overweight individuals, on the other hand, have weak bones as a result of inflammation caused by excess fat. In addition to inflammation, obese individuals, especially teenagers were observed to have lower levels of growth hormones responsible for bone health. It is therefore important to maintain the correct body weight to keep good bone health.