5 Things You Should Keep In Mind After A Car Accident
Car accidents can be nasty. They can easily make you feel overwhelmed and lost. However, to prevent future consequences, you must gather all of your senses and take necessary steps to control the situation.
Your quick reactions will lead to either positive or negative outcomes about recovering your money from physical injuries, car damage and other relevant losses. In this article, our top-rated car accident lawyer in Chicago will guide you on the five most important things to know when you encounter a car accident in Chicago or any other part of Illinois. Without further ado, let us dive right into it.
Check Yourself For Any Injuries
When you realize you met with an accident, hundreds of thoughts run through your mind. You come across various questions like “ what should you do now?” or “how do you recover the damage?”, etc. However, you have to calm down your mind and allow it to think clearly to avoid further mess.
According to this website, the very first thing you can do is to scan your body to see if you have sustained any injury. The very first thing you can do is to scan your body to see if you have sustained any injury. If you have the mirror, check if you got any cuts or wounds on your face. Try rotating your ankles and wrist. Ask your passengers to do the same. Some injuries cannot be recognized at first, but they appear later on. Therefore, get yourself checked properly.
Secure Yourself A Safe Place
Once you check yourself and passengers for bodily injuries, see if your car still turns on or not. If it runs and you are fit enough, drive the car off the road. Note that you do not have to make any repairs on your own.
Call 911
Car accidents are a part of emergencies. Therefore, do not hesitate to call the police immediately. No matter if you are injured or not, it is essential to call the police so that they have the attention on the incident.
Try to call the police when you are inside the car. The other driver involved in the accident may try to yell at you or harm you even if it’s his fault. You would be a bit relaxed if you know that the police are on their way. If you are involved in the hit and run case, you still have to follow the same procedure. Let the police come and then tell them what happened.
Gather The Correct Information & Call Your Insurance Company
Make sure you collect all the information about the accident scene. This will help you file the claim in future. With safety measurements, take pictures of your car’s damaged areas and the overall accident scene. Following things should be considered while taking the photographs:
*The street where the accident took place
*Vehicle parts that are damaged
*Your vehicle’s position
*Your bodily injuries
Once you are done with this, ask the other driver to share his insurance info. It would be best if you also shared your insurance info to him or her. Ask the police to provide the police report as that is important to prove that it wasn’t your fault.
Call your insurance company and visit their website once you collect all the information. They ask you the following question, and you have to be ready.
*How many passengers were there with you and is anyone hurt?
*Were you driving in the familiar locality?
*What was the speed of your vehicle?
*Were you driving on the wrong side?
*How much is the damage?
Once they are done with it, they provide you with a unique number (claim number). It might take several days for them to proceed with the claim.
Shall I Hire The Chicago Accident Lawyer?
Many people do not know that it is essential to call a lawyer whenever they had injuries due to a car accident. No matter what level of injuries you have sustained, it’s recommended to get in touch with the best law firm in Chicago or any other parts of Illinois.
In such incidents, you have to have someone who you help you with their legal advice. When you retain an experienced car accident attorney in Chicago, your future is in safe hands.
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