Foodie Tips

5 Pieces of Advice Every Foodie Needs to Hear

With the global pandemic looming, we are all staying inside and picking up new habits and cooking is one of them. With the temperatures dropping, many people are apprehensive to step inside a restaurant for longer than picking up takeout. We are spending more time in our kitchen than ever before and, as self-proclaimed foodies, it has become a fun habit to whip up snacks and meals while improving our skills. 

Being a foodie requires constant education, so here are 5 pieces of advice every foodie needs to hear to help make themselves the best cook in the kitchen.

1. Quality cooking equipment doesn’t have to be expensive.

You may be feeling overwhelmed if you are starting from scratch with a barebones kitchen. Rest assured, cooking equipment doesn’t have to be expensive, because you can easily find pots, pans, utensils, cookware sets, and other accessories at discount prices on Specializing in kitchenware, Outletsale is the best place to shop when stocking your kitchen, since you can find top of the line quality for prices that won’t break the bank. This is especially helpful if you are looking to experiment with different kitchen gizmos and gadgets!

2. Recycle your oil instead of pouring it down the drain.

Oil’s viscosity can be especially harmful to your home’s infrastructure. When residential cooking oil is poured down the drain, it congeals into a bit fat lump which collects other dirt and debris to make one big clump. As the used cooking oil can be hard to meltdown again, these big sticky lumps can cause huge clogs which jeopardize the structural integrity of your pipes and require expensive repairs. Prevent all of this from happening by choosing used cooking oil recycling, so you can ensure your used cooking oil is going to a safe place where it won’t ruin your pipes. Oil recycling is actually quite easy, just contact a service to pick up your used oil and recycle it for you. 

3. Cook at home instead of going out to eat.

It’s never a good idea to spend all of your disposable income on eating out (or doing take out) at fancy restaurants! While we all love trying new things, tasting menus and unique ingredients are quite expensive and that can add up. It’s fun to experiment, so we recommend splurging about once or twice a month, and the rest of the time buying your own ingredients and making food at home. You’ll work on your skills while saving money, at the same time!

4. Follow the pros.

No, not just to see what they are cooking and to stay current on their recipes. You’ll want to follow your favorite chefs to see what they like to eat, where they like to go, and what utensils they like to use! Social media can be especially helpful when it comes to staying current with your favorite pros — plus, it provides a free education that can help you hone your skills. Don’t know where to start? Choose a handful of recipes you love for inspiration and look up the chefs that created them.

5. Don’t feel the need to shop at only expensive places.

Sure, you will need to head to a few specialty shops to get unique ingredients, but don’t feel like you have to spend a ton of money on your staple ingredients. Heading to your local supermarket can save you tons of time and money for when you need to stock up on canned goods, starches, and spices. Farmers’ markets are great for produce, eggs, and even meat, chicken, and fish. Remember, not everything has to be expensive to taste delicious!

With these tips in mind, you’ll be on your way to living the best foodie life in no time.