Why Keep A Health Journal?
Your health is so important that you should always do as much as possible to keep it in the best condition. Keeping a health journal can assist in this endeavor, ensuring that you have all the information you need to make the right choices when it comes to your health. It is even more useful if you have ongoing health issues, but even if you are only ill from time to time, a health journal can lead to answers. Here are some of the best reasons to keep a health journal, and why you should start today.
Spot Patterns
By writing down every symptom that you feel, even if it doesn’t actually lead to a full-blown illness, you will be able to spot patterns. You’ll know when you start to feel unwell, and what those symptoms might be, and eventually you’ll be able to predict when it might happen thanks to your health journal. It can show you that you are allergic to something; for example, if you are only experiencing these symptoms when you visit a certain place, do a specific action, or eat some types of food.
This evidence can be vital when you go to see a medical professional. Allergies are notoriously difficult to diagnose accurately, so if you can give your doctor some solid proof that points them in the right direction, diagnosis can happen faster and more accurately, saving you time and money and ensuring that you get your treatment more quickly.
Make Changes
The more there is in your journal to look back on and read through, the more you will know about yourself and your body. It will be much easier to make the changes needed to make you healthier and fitter. You might realize that you need to do more exercise, or that your diet should change for the better. You’ll know that you need to cut out smoking, or that sitting at your desk all day without any form of exercise is bad for you.
Remember, however, that no matter how much evidence you have in your health journal, you should always talk big changes through with a professional. A doctor will be able to help you as it might be better for you to start small and build up to something bigger. Doctors aren’t the only professionals to consult either; speak to gym instructors and dieticians too. The more people you can have around you to help you, the more likely the changes you make will stick.
Stay Focused
As mentioned above, sticking with something new, and that might not be comfortable is difficult. Changing your diet, for example, from eating lots of quick TV dinners that are not that healthy to eating food that takes longer to prepare but that is better for you is a big change, even if it might seem like a simple one. The same goes for adding half an hour of exercise into your day or quitting smoking. It’s easy to say and imagine, but much harder to do.
Your health journal can assist. It will show you how far you have come, and remind you of the reasons for choosing to become healthier in the first place. You can easily forget what the point if this hard work is and fall back into old habits. By taking some time to read through your journal regularly, and to ensure that you continue to write in it so that you can track your progress, you will be much more motivated and more likely to reach your goals and targets.
Family History
Even if you don’t have a lot to write in your journal about your own health (which is a good thing, as it means you are healthy), you can still write about your family’s health conditions. Make a note about anything that anyone related to you is suffering from, and the symptoms that relate to it, and you may find that it becomes useful. It might not be needed for a number of years, or ever, but it could be exactly what is required at a later date.
Many conditions are hereditary, and therefore if a family member suffers from something, it is possible that you might one day too. If not you, then perhaps a sibling or a child of yours. Having the relevant information noted down in a health journal means that you can be aware of the symptoms of certain hereditary conditions and notice them more readily than if you didn’t have the information to hand. If you don’t have good knowledge of your family’s medical history then you can use a DNA test to find out more. Dan Miller talks more about this on his blog so head over if you would like more information on the topic. It can help trace any issues you may genetically have. You can then speak to a medical professional about your concerns and back up your thoughts with the information in your health journal.
A Drug Record
Some drugs don’t work well with others, and some drugs work brilliant for some people but not for everyone. If you have been prescribed drugs for any kind of condition or you choose to buy medication online, you can get details about what is going to be best for you from your journal, from your doctor, and from the website you are buying from.
This can be extremely useful. If you buy drugs online and you are also prescribed drugs, you can check to make sure that they aren’t going to react with one another. Plus you will be able to tell your doctor exactly what you are taking, and they can advise the right dosage, or change the prescription if need be. This is also useful if you were ever to have to go to hospital but not be able to tell those who need to know what medication you are using; if it is written in your health journal then they will have the information they need (remember to take the journal with you when you leave the house, of course, and to let other people know that it exists).
Finally, a health journal can be used to records your medical appointments. This will help you to remember to attend, and afterward you can write about what happened, what you discussed, and what medication (if any) you were prescribed. By writing everything down, you can be sure that you will make a follow-up appointment and that you ask all the questions that might come up in between visits.
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One Comment
Lauryn R
I have never thought about keeping a health journal before but what a great idea! I can see all of the benefits and really think it would help me. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis when I was 18 and it has been random issues ever since. Thank you so much for sharing!