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What Are Your Options When You Can’t Get Pregnant?

When you dream of having a family, struggling to get pregnant can make your aspirations appear far out of reach. Many couples feel they would prefer to conceive children the “traditional” way, and it can seem unfair when this is no longer a possibility.

But in the modern world, there are so many ways to bring a child into your life. It could even be said that there is no longer a “conventional” way to have children since couples and single parents all over the world are employing a variety of methods to start families.

If you have been told you are unable to conceive or are struggling to get pregnant, you don’t have to resign yourself to a life without kids. Here are just a few of the additional options available to you.

Fertility drug treatment

Usually the first option for many couples exploring their options, fertility drug treatment involves various forms of medication to improve your chances of conception. This could take the form of drugs to increase sperm quality and production, thicken the uterus lining, or stimulate ovulation. If going down this route, you will need to consult with a doctor to decide which option will be most beneficial to you and your partner.

Medical procedures

There are a number of medical procedures prospective parents can undergo in order to assist reproduction. The most common method is in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment in which a sperm and an egg from you and your partner are combined and then implanted into the uterus. Other potential procedures may include intracytoplasmic sperm injectionintrauterine insemination, or assisted hatching. All of these methods are designed to increase the chance of successful pregnancy.

Sperm, egg or embryo donation

In some cases, one of the parents will not be able to produce a viable sperm or egg to complete the reproduction process. In this situation, parents may choose to receive a donation from another healthy adult instead. This way, one of the parents will not be genetically connected to the child. If neither parent can produce a suitable sperm or egg, you can also receive an embryo that will be implanted into the uterus.

A surrogate parent

Surrogacy is a popular option for couples who cannot carry a child themselves. This could be for medical reasons but is also common amongst single male parents or male couples. Generally, surrogacy involves the couple donating or creating an embryo with their sperm and or/egg, which is then implanted into the surrogate parent’s uterus. Surrogacy is generally gestational, which means that the surrogate parent will simply carry the child and have no genetic relation to them. If you choose this option, it is important to not only consider the surrogacy cost involved but also for you to consider what part the surrogate parent will play in your child’s life. Some surrogates have a significant role in upbringing, while others may simply carry the child.


If you are unable or decide not to conceive a child biologically, there is no reason you can’t still bring a child into your household. Adopting a child, whether privately, internationally, or through foster care, is a wonderful way to give a child a home and build a family.

If you would like to discuss your fertility options, Advanced Fertility Center can give you all the information you need.