Vegetables Dogs Can or Can’t Eat
Sometimes between the owners of tetrapods there are disputes on the topic: “Which vegetables are useful for dogs, and which are generally not recommended for consumption.” And, I must say, opinions on this matter are rather contradictory. Often, products such as cucumber, broccoli, tomato, bell pepper and many others fall into disgrace undeservedly.
In fact, in the selection of vegetable food components for the canine family, everything is much simpler.
If this or that vegetable (and indeed any of the products) is not suitable for the animal, the pet’s body will quickly react with the manifestation of allergies and hair problems.
It is precisely in order to identify whether a particular product is absorbed, it is necessary to gradually introduce each of them into the dog’s diet, observing the reaction of the body.
Are vegetables really necessary in a dog’s diet?
In general, a dog is a predator by nature, therefore, the main part of the diet, about 70-80%, should be products containing animal protein: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. The remaining percentage is accounted for by vegetables and a small amount of cereals.
Probably every dog owner often observed undigested pieces of vegetables in the pet’s feces. The thing is that dogs do not have enzymes that help break down the shell of plant fiber. For this reason, vegetables and greens are poorly absorbed by the animal’s body.
Not all vegetables are recommended to be cooked. Some are best served raw. This way all valuable vitamins and microelements are preserved in them.
What vegetables can you safely give your pet
Now let’s talk about which vegetables are good for dogs and not cause heated controversy.
Pumpkin improves digestion, lowers gastric acidity, normalizes stool and treats constipation. Pumpkin is an excellent antioxidant and helps prevent worms.
Zucchini is a good source of potassium, calcium, beta-carotene, and folate. As a rule, this vegetable is given raw, but you can pamper your pet with a baked product.
Cucumbers are perfectly safe for quadrupeds. They are rich in complex organic substances that play an important role in metabolism. Potassium in cucumbers improves heart and kidney function.
Bell peppers contain beta-carotene and a number of beneficial B vitamins. Pepper is also rich in potassium and calcium, iron and iodine, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, zinc and sodium. But in a pepper traffic light, preference should be given to red pepper, as it contains more trace elements and vitamins.
Carrots are rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, which can improve vision, reduce the risk of tumors and make the coat shine. In addition, raw carrots are good at cleaning plaque on the teeth, reducing the number of pathogenic bacteria in the mouth, unpleasant odor and exercising the jaw muscles. But be careful, carrots can cause allergies in some dogs.
Many animal owners are afraid to give cauliflower to dogs, and in vain. Cauliflower is absorbed by the body better than all other types of cabbage. It has less coarse fiber than, for example, white cabbage, so it is easily digested and does not irritate the gastric mucosa. It is especially useful for gastrointestinal diseases. In case of liver and gallbladder disease, only those vegetables are recommended that increase the secretion of bile and promote regular bowel movements. These include cauliflower.
Turnip is a rich source of calcium. It has a diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, and improves the absorption of food. Turnips are good both raw and baked. However, some animals are weakened with this vegetable. It is not recommended to use turnips for acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.
Radish contains many coarse fibers and is a kind of animal toothbrush. However, it is not recommended for pets with gastrointestinal problems.
Green bean pods are very good both fresh and boiled. They are a great addition to tripe dishes.
Controversial vegetables
There are vegetables that are not strictly forbidden. However, some of them are not beneficial enough, and others are not suitable for all dogs and can cause serious harm to the pet’s health if not exercised with due care.
Some dog owners include broccoli in the list of not recommended food, due to the fact that this sort of cabbage contains a substance such as isocyanate, which is a toxin for dogs and can cause the death of an animal. However, in order for this vegetable to do any harm, you need to give it to your pet daily in super large quantities. In general, dogs eat broccoli raw or cooked.
Broccoli is rich in microelements and vitamins of groups C and K. And in terms of vitamin A content, it surpasses all other cabbage plants. All valuable vitamins are stored in frozen cabbage for much longer.
White cabbage is an excellent source of sulfur, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, beta-carotene and vitamins of groups A, B and C. And, I must say, many pets love it very much because you can crunch and gnaw on hard pieces of leaves.
But fresh cabbage is not recommended for dogs in large quantities, as it causes gas formation, boiling in the abdomen and pain in the intestines. But boiled or stewed cabbage, you can spoil your pet from time to time.
Eggplant is rich in fiber, phosphorus, iron and carotene. However, it is not recommended for animals with kidney disease. Eggplant can trigger allergies in some dogs. Recommended for feeding baked or slightly stewed, but not on a permanent basis.
There is a certain list of vegetables that are considered absolutely harmless, and are recommended for most animals for constant feeding. However, everything is individual here too. Some of them can cause pet allergies.
There is also a certain set of vegetable crops that cause controversy over their benefits or harms. But, if your pet takes these vegetables well, then you should not deprive the body of additional valuable vitamins and minerals. Feel free to give these vegetables, of course, within reasonable limits.
It is not at all necessary to be fanatical and daily include all types of vegetables in your diet, which only you know, worrying about the imbalance in the diet. It is important that the animal receives the entire set of nutritious vitamins and minerals necessary for the body throughout the week, contained not only in vegetables, but also in other products: meat, eggs, cereals, and fermented milk products. Try to include in the diet of your pet the set of vegetables that he likes and is well tolerated by the body.
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