Top 10 Life-Changing Ways To Feel Energized Every Morning
Are you someone that isn’t a “morning person”? If so, you’re not alone! Many people find it very challenging to wake up with a burst of energy each morning, and they usually find themselves feeling grumpy towards other people.
As the day progresses, that feeling of grumpiness might subside, but lethargy and a lack of motivation still linger around. Are those things you have to live with? Absolutely not!
Take a look at the following top ten life-changing ways to help boost your energy levels and be more productive and happier in your day:
1. Upgrade Your Bed
You may notice that much of the advice and tips on this page relate to how you sleep. The reason for that is simple: having a restful night’s sleep helps you to feel energized and refreshed when you wake up in the morning.
One of the most common reasons for poor sleep quality is down to an uncomfortable bed. Did you know that you should replace your mattress every seven years or so? That’s because the spring and foam supports inside the mattress become worn over time.
2. Sleep Alone
Another life-changing tip to help you get a better night’s sleep is by going to bed alone. It might seem like a strange thing to do if you share your bed with someone (or pets), but sleeping alone can provide a significant boost to your sleep quality.
Sleeping solo means you don’t get disturbed through the night, especially if your bed partner snores a lot or has a tendency to roll around in the bed at multiple times of the night!
3. Sleep In A Dark Room Each Night
It might seem an obvious statement to make. But, you must ensure you sleep in a dark room each night! If your bedroom is in a part of your home where strong moonlight or street lights shine through your windows, they will likely keep you awake at night.
Consider investing in blackout curtains for your bedroom or blinds that completely block out any external light. Another thing to do is turn off any electronics like TVs, computer monitors, or even alarm clocks with bright LED lights to make your bedroom as dark as possible.
4. Monitor Your Sleep Cycles With Smart Technology
Sometimes, you might find it hard to determine the reason for poor sleep quality and subsequent lethargy when you wake up in the morning. One interesting way to check what might be disturbing your sleep at night is by using technology like a smartwatch.
If you have an Apple Watch, for instance, did you know you can use Apple Watch sleep apps to help you narrow down the causes of your poor sleep quality? It’s also possible to use such technology on Android-based smartwatches, and even all makes of smartphones.
5. Review Your Diet
What do you typically eat throughout the day and at night before sleeping? You might not realize it, but the foods and drinks you consume each day can potentially have a negative impact on your energy levels throughout the day.
For example, you might think drinking lots of coffee keeps you energized throughout the day. But, the effects are only short-lived, and you then experience a “crash” and reduced energy levels.
Review what you eat and drink, and consider swapping out unhealthy processed foods and caffeinated drinks for more whole foods and water primarlily. If you feel that you still need an energy boost, consider looking into good quality supplements like Energy Renew to help give you the boost that caffeine once did, just without the unpleasant crash afterwards.
6. Manage Your Stress
Everyone experiences some degree of stress in their lives, whether it’s at home or in the workplace. For many people, stress levels are manageable and seldom impact their productivity levels throughout the day. But, for others, high stress levels can be overwhelming and cause issues like insomnia.
If you feel you lead a particularly stressful life, it’s time to address the causes and make positive changes. For example, a job with fewer responsibilities or a shorter commute can make a world of difference to your energy levels and overall happiness and wellbeing.
7. Drink Plenty Of Water Daily
Water is something that everyone needs each day. While opinion among medical experts differs on how much you should drink daily, one thing that everyone can agree on is this: you should drink water whenever you feel thirsty.
Dehydration negatively impacts many processes of the body, and one leading way it can do so is by causing energy levels to drop and lethargy to increase.
Also, avoid consuming drinks that act as diuretics (like caffeine) and foods with high salt levels.
8. Do Some Daily Exercises
Do you lead a particularly sedentary lifestyle? If the answer is yes, your lifestyle choice could be negatively impacting your productivity levels. An excellent way of keeping your energy levels high each day is through some simple daily exercise.
For example, going for a walk during your lunch break can help you avoid the mid-afternoon energy lows and help you stay productive until you finish your work. You could even join a gym and have a twice-weekly workout session before you start work.
9. Have A Better Sleep Routine
Are you a creature of habit and go to sleep at a set time each night? If the answer is no, consider adopting a sleep routine that sees you going to bed at roughly the same time every night.
When your body gets used to sleeping at a certain time each night, it will have a better chance of helping you feel refreshed for the following day’s activities.
Also, avoid using technology at least one hour before you sleep – especially screens that emit blue light, as they can disrupt your body’s natural sleep cycles.
10. Get A Medical Check-Up
Last but not least, consider having an annual medical check-up with your doctor. Doing so means you can detect the early signs of any medical conditions that could cause you long-term problems, including those that impact your ability to sleep properly.Your doctor can also give you advice on how to improve your lifestyle routines through diet and exercise tips, for instance.
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One Comment
Brittany Gilley
I also listen to meditation music, it helps me tremendously