Health & Wellness

The Best Ways To Manage Your Seasonal Allergies

The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology reports that allergies are the sixth-leading cause of chronic illness in America. These allergies can make you extremely miserable during spring, forcing you to cope with a runny nose, sore throat, congestion, sneezing, and other irritating symptoms. However, the good news is that you can take so many measures to reduce seasonal allergies’ impact on you. Below are some of the best ways to manage your seasonal allergies.

1) Keep your indoor air clean

Indoor allergens in your home can worsen your plight during allergy season, so it is prudent to ensure that your home’s air is clean. For starters, you can keep all your doors and windows shut during allergy season to prevent dust and pollen from sneaking in. Instead, use an air conditioner to keep your home’s temperature regulated. In addition, invest in a great dehumidifier to keep indoor air dry, reducing the efficacy of common allergens like mold, mildew, and dust mites. Finally, use an air purifier with a HEPA filter to clean your air. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says HEPA filters can eliminate up to 99.97% of pollen, dust, and other airborne particles, so you can rely on them to keep your home allergen-free.

2) Try approved medications

Many drugs can also help you cope with allergy symptoms when they arise, so it is best to purchase them when needed. For example, oral antihistamines are best if you experience mild seasonal allergy symptoms while outside but feel better when inside. These drugs work by blocking or reducing histamine release, relieving your symptoms. You can buy this drug in chewable, tablet, or liquid form and take it till the end of allergy season. Nasal sprays, decongestants, and eye drops can also help with allergy symptoms. You can visit a reliable urgent care center to receive prescriptions for an excellent allergy drug if these over-the-counter remedies aren’t effective. 

3) Make sure it is really allergies

The abrupt switch from cold to warm weather can make it challenging to differentiate between an allergic reaction and a cold or virus, especially if you don’t often get seasonal allergies. Therefore, it is best to determine whether your symptoms are a reaction to allergens to know how best to treat them. Generally, if you have thin and clear mucus and itching in the eyes, nose, and roof of your mouth, you can suspect allergies. The duration of your symptoms can also signify what you have. Allergy symptoms can last from a few days to months, depending on your length of exposure to allergens. On the other hand, cold and sinus infections typically don’t last beyond two weeks. However, getting tested is the best way to determine if your symptoms are due to allergies, so keep this in mind. 

4) Limit your exposure to triggers

Limiting your exposure to allergy triggers makes sense to avoid undesirable symptoms. Therefore, know your pollen counts by checking the National Allergy Bureau website or glancing through your local weather forecast. Then, consider staying indoors on days when pollen counts are high. Additionally, wear a mask for outdoor chores like lawn mowing to lower your exposure to pollen grains.