Szechuan Meals
Foodie Tips

Szechuan Meals To Try This Week

Imagine yourself clocking out of work after a long and arduous day – your back is aching and your stomach is grumbling. As you walk out the doors of your office, the most resounding thought that comes to your mind is the fact that you are hungry, extremely hungry. There is absolutely nothing better to relieve yourself from all of the stress that encapsulates your entire week than to go on a good old fashioned food trip. The only thing left to decide on now, is what type of food you want to go for.  

Now imagine a delectable combination of chili sauce, peanuts, Szechuan peppers, and fermented soy-beans. You can buy a variety of Grocery products and food stuff online from with Easy & Fast Delivery services. Chinese food in general is one of the most celebrated culinary staples in the world. Perhaps no variation of Chinese cuisine, however, is as well known and as loved as Szechuan cuisine. Let’s talk about some of the most irresistible Szechuan dishes that you can try this week! 

Dan Dan Mian 

Perhaps the most recognizable dish in Szechuan cuisine are the Dan Dan noodles. It is not difficult to see why people love them! They are flavourful, they are quick to make, and they are easy to serve. You do not have to be in a fancy restaurant with a specialized kitchen to get them. In fact, in places like Chengdu they are ubiquitously available as street food. The condiments that we all know and love to pair with Szechuan cuisine goes great with Dan Dan noodles whether you mix in dried chillies, Szechuan peppercorns, or peanuts. You do not have to travel far for these noodles, however, because they have definitely become more popular in America since Western palates have become more appreciative of Asian dishes in general. 

Kung Pao Chicken 

Kung Pao Chicken is not only enjoyed in its native Sichuan province, it has since become a truly global phenomenon! Out of all the known recipes for stir fried chicken, it is entirely possible that there isn’t a single one as addictive as this delectable salty, sweet, spicy and sour treat. The dish also typically comes with ground peanuts to add to the already phenomenal texture of the dish.  

Szechuan Hot Pot  

If you are a lover of spicy food, then a Szechuan Hot Pot will give you a fresh perspective of what flavors can actually work with peppers and chilis. Aside from the very strong aromatics and spices, you get more unconventional ingredients such as kidneys, intestines, sea cucumber, and wine. It is a combination of ingredients that you simply do not expect to work, but it really does. Hot Pots are perfect for a cold winter’s day because not only will they warm you up, they will take your taste buds on a wild and interesting journey as well.  

An Innovative Take on Szechuan Flavors 

If you are someone who needs an introduction to Szechuan cuisine and all it has to offer, then you might be looking for something new. Think about a new take on Szechuan cuisine that both locals from the namesake province in China as well as westerners will find different in all the right ways. Those flavors are exactly what Fly By Jing szechuan gives you. A fresh new take that is not too austere for the western palate but still incredibly authentic. Explore their wide array of flavors and take your Szechuan dining experience this week to a whole new level!