Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

Surprising Ways to Reduce Stress Right Now

Around 77 percent of adults in the USA alone report feeling stressed out! This is not good news for any of us because stress can take its toll on our mental and physical health, but if you are feeling stressed right now, there are a few surprising things you can do to reduce the symptoms and start to feel much better immediately…


Yes, just start laughing and you will soon find that your stresses start to melt away. If you can’t make yourself laugh, then watch something funny or read a humorous book to get you going, but just laugh because it has been proven that laughing, even if you are faking it, can instantly boost your mood.

Pet a dog

A lot of people are surprised to find that spending time with animals is one of the best ways to reduce stress in an instant, but it is scientifically proven that they can reduce stress levels, and a bunch of other things besides. But, don’t rush into animal adoption or buying a puppy unless you are truly ready and willing to care for an animal; if you don’t have a pet, borrow a neighbor’s for the day and see how it goes.

Do your chores

You might think that this would only make you feel even more stressed out and if doing your chores is a common source of stress, then sure, skip it, but otherwise cleaning your home could really help to relieve your stress. Not only does it get you moving, which can help to release happy-making endorphins, but just the fact you have accomplished a small task can help you to release stress in its own right too.

Smell a soothing scent

Sniffing a soothing scent like lavender or orange oil can instant;y lift your mood, so what not invest in an aromatherapy diffuser and let the scents of essential oils fill your home all day every day, so that you never feel too stressed out. Going out? take a bottle of lavender oil with you and smell it whenever things state to get on top of you.

Turn your phone off

These days, one of the biggest sources of stress for many of us are our phones. We read bad news on them, we compare ourselves unfavorably to others we are always on and connected, and it is bad for ut., Turn it off and go for a walk, read a book or simply sit back, relax and do nothing and you will probably find that your stresses melt away almost immediately.

Write it down

If you are stressing about something, try writing the problem down in a notebook and then either forgetting about it or burning it. Just getting it out of your head can stop you from fixating n it so much, enabling you to find the headspace you need to relax.

As you can see, there are lots of, often surprising, things you can do to relieve your stress, so what are you waiting for?