My Savvy Review Of The Formaggio Raclette Set @FrielingUSA @SMGurusNetwork
My Savvy Review Of The Formaggio Raclette Set @FrielingUSA @SMGurusNetwork
Deliciously Savvy received this product in exchange for an honest and unbiased review and all opinions are 100% my own. Regardless, I only review products that I am truly interested in for myself and my family and of course for sharing those reviews with my savvy readers. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!
I love cooking and with that being said…….. I also love to try new things and this Cilio Formaggio Raclette Set from Frieling Solutions was the perfect new addition to my culinary tools collection. I honestly had never heard of a Raclette Set and so my research began. As soon as I realized this is all about delicious cheese….. I knew that I was in. Here is a picture to show you what I received.
So You may want to know…. what is a Raclette dinner? Raclette dinners are very popular because they are so easy to make. Slices of Raclette cheese are melted in small pans, then eaten with boiled potatoes, pickles and dried meats. The cheese was originally melted from the whole wheel in front of the fire, then scraped onto the plate, but now, a tabletop appliance is popular. This one is no more than $20! And it is so delicious….. this is an example of the creations you can enjoy with this delicious melty cheese tool.
The cheese is simply heated and melted with tea lights and you simply enjoy the cheesey melty goodness with your favorite accompaniments. This is perfect for a wine and cheese party as it is very different than anything your guests will have tried and they will enjoy it for sure. How about a Raclette cheese board versus your traditional cheese tray for a holiday party? You guests will most definitely be impressed.
Make sure you check out Freiling fresh solutions today for the most amazing culinary tools for that foodie in your life. They are great gifts for the Holidays as well! Check them out today.
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