Savvy Eco-Friendly Ideas For Your Home Which Are Kinder To The Environment
Looking after the environment is a widely discussed topic at the moment, which is perhaps making you personally question what you could be doing to help right how. So to make this transition a little easier at home, why not use these energy saving methods as a way to do something positive for the sake of the planet and your home.
Use Recyclable Toilet Paper
It is surprising how much toilet paper you can get through in a small space of time, so to be a bit kinder to the environment it is worth investing in sustainable toilet paper that is made from recyclable materials so that you can be sure that several trees were not cut down to make the product you use on a daily basis. It is quite easy to make a simple switch when you go to the grocery store for your weekly shop. It can be a gradual transition that you make from utilizing your current products to eventually swapping over to being all recyclable ones.

Switch Your Light Bulbs To Energy Saving
When you next turn your lights on, think how much electricity you could be saving if you made a simple swap from a bright light bulb to an energy saving one. It is something that does not require much time or effort to do but can make a positive difference to your overall electric bill. So why not change all the lightbulbs in your home.
Use Non Toxic Cleaning Products
You do not need a great deal of ingredients to be able to clean your home effectively. Instead of stocking up on cleaning products that are full of many chemicals that are both damaging to your lungs and wrapped in plastic. Why not revert to more traditional methods of cleaning your home that involves using basic kitchen ingredients and will be a lot kinder to your home and the atmosphere, as you will not be breathing in any harmful chemicals either.

Collect Rainwater To Reuse
A good way to prepare for any natural disasters or to ensure you have enough water at home is to utilize several plastic water tanks in your garden. They can be extremely useful to collect rainwater when there is a lot of rainfall, which can then be reused in other ways at home. You never know when there might be a bit of a drought, so it is useful to put some water aside in case you need any.
Upcycle Your Furniture
Instead of automatically throwing out any unused furniture that you no longer use, it is much kinder to the environment and your wallet to reuse and upcycle your furniture so that you can turn it into something more functional. It allows you to be a little creative whilst you turn one functional item into something else using some paint, fabric and household tools.
Fit a Smart Meter
As you approach the cold, winter months you are going to be using the central heating to warm your home. Although you want to keep it nice and warm, you also want to make sure that you are not wasting energy and money on switching the heating on when you don’t need to.
So in order to reduce the amount you spend and use in your home you could install a smart meter which would give you more flexibility in terms of how much you put your central heating on, particularly when you are out. You would be able to link this up with your smartphone so that you can keep in control of when and how long you have your central heating on.

Grow Your Own Fruit and Veg
If you have a backyard, then why not dig up the earth and plant some seasonal fruit and veg. It would give you a project to take care of and enable you to grow your own produce which you can then turn into tasty homemade meals. It also provides you with the opportunity to be outdoors in the fresh air, doing some exercises, so there are certainly positives to growing your own produce. You can also easily make your own compost using tea bags, alongside coffee granules and fruit and veg peelings. This will also help your plants to flourish nicely.
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One Comment
Lauryn R
These are fantastic suggestions, thank you so much for sharing! I try to use greener products in my home as well as grow my own fruits and vegetables. We also upcycle things a lot, and try to use little to no plastics.