Relationship Red Flags To Watch Out
It is easy to pick out toxic relationships and sometimes it can make you feel like you’re walking on cloud nine. A relationship is not like a race, but sometimes this can happen, especially during a rebound. And this can happen in any situation as well. And moreover, the stages of a relationship don’t have a set of time, for some people it may take years before they’re even moved together, and for others, it may be engaged in less than a year.
So if your partner is not ready to move forward, then it’s time to red flag your relationship. Below are some of the common red flags that you must look for in a relationship. Let’s find out.
What Is A Red Flag In A Relationship?
A red flag is something indicative of bad behavior in a person, or a dead giveaway that the person lacks manners, empathy, and kindness that would have an impact on your relationship. Keeping an eye out for red flag behaviors is one of the ways how you can tell a married man is using you, as well as other deal-breakers in a relationship. Sometimes we falsely identify quirks as red flags, however ignoring flags altogether can lead to serious consequences.
How To Watch Out For The Relationship Red Flags
Here is a list of relationship red flags to look out for.
● Gaslighting
Gaslighting is a term that is used to describe a set of manipulative behaviors that make other people in their lives feel crazy. An individual who gaslights makes negative or demeaning comments about their partner. This behavior is common among alcoholics and addicts, also with people who generally lack empathy for other people. or the first time you may find it difficult to recognize this behavior.
● Poor Stress Management
Another important red flag is poor stress. They are the sign of physical and emotional stress that is ignored and they build up and leak out in destructive ways. The danger of being unable to cope with stress is, they may get irritable easily and blame others but over time this reaction gets worse. This can be a sign of mental or physical abuse.
● Attracting One-Sided Relationships
When a relationship becomes one-sided the person sacrifices their needs for someone else’s. If you’re a giver or ignore your needs for the sake of someone else’s, then you’re in a one-sided relationship. This may create hurt and resentment because the relationship starts to feel more like an obligation than a joy. Millions of couples clash and go through the dreaded question of how to save a relationship now and then. Soul factors blog provides a clear and obvious answer for you.
● Lack of communication
If your partner finds it difficult to talk about issues or express how they feel. And when it’s most important to be open and honest, and that moment if they distance themselves emotionally, leaving their partner hanging, or having to deal with a situation on their own.
● Irresponsible, immature, and unpredictable.
Some people have trouble taking care of themselves, managing their finances and personal space, holding onto a job, and making plans for their life and future. So it may be hard to rely on them for almost anything.
● Lack of trust.
If your partner has difficulty being honest with himself or herself, or even hard for them to be honest with you. If they hold themselves lacks integrity and lacks respect for their partner. and that is purposely hidden from you.
● Significant family and friends don’t like your partner.
If your family and friends seem obvious to your partner, then you may need to listen to what they’re telling you. So, hear these people out.
● Controlling behavior
If your partner is an attempt to “divide and conquer,” or driving a wedge between you and other significant people in your life. And sometimes they may be jealous of your ongoing relationships, also they may control where you go and who you associate with.
● Feeling insecure
When you feel uncomfortable, uncertain, or anxious about where it’s heading. And often feel that you don’t know where you stand in a relationship.
● They Don’t Trust Anybody.
● Sex drive levels are different.
● A different view on faithfulness.
● Hiding your relationship.
● They need to be reassured all the time.
● They make you feel you may be at fault.
● Clashing ideas and habits about money.
● They make you feel dumb.
● Monitor your private messages and emails.
● They tend to hide the little things.
● Mood Swings.
● Separate yourself from your friends and family.
● Love bombing.
● Sex drive levels are different.
● What Do You Do If You Are In A Long Term Relationship?
The first thing you would need to consider is whether or not you want to remain in this relationship. Maybe you have a family together or maybe you have invested years of your time and truly care for this person. Only you can decide what’s best for you and your relationship. However, understand that a partner that has displayed numerous red fags, as discussed above, will not magically shape up just because you want him or her to do so. Author Laura Doyle, has an interesting approach to dating and marriage. She has the viewpoint that you can change and alter the dynamics simply by changing the way you treat your significant other. In other words, you have the power to create the relationship you want, regardless of the way he or she’s behaving right now.
If you “clean up your side of the street,” meaning that you take a look at how you’re creating antagonism in the relationship vs. how to create peace instead. “If you correct your partner on what he or she’s wearing, how they clean the dishes or make a critical comment about missing the turn, then you’re basically attacking the other individual”. Think about a time when you asked your partner, “Are you going to wear that?” – remember how it made your significant other feel. Regardless of whether the person’s a narcissist or a saint, no one responds well when attacked. “Even if it’s well meaning, it’s an attack. People respond in kind. If you try a different approach, you will get a different response”.
What’s this different approach? Outside of removing critical comments, you can do three things every day that are just for you. They have to be fun and give you pleasure. The idea is that if you replenish your personal reserves and focus on your individual happiness, you will be less likely to get upset or lash out at your partner. This will of course, create less tension in the relationship and help to calm down the negative emotional reactions between the two of you.
No relationship is perfect, and every relationship has its own strengths and weaknesses. To recognize red flags early in a relationship requires trusting yourself first, so don’t wait until these warning signs create dysfunction in your relationship. All of these above-mentioned red flags indicate that your partner is not ready for a relationship.
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One Comment
megan allen
Sadly, I have seen just about every one of these red flags in past relationships! Thanks for sharing this information!