Reasons to Invest in a Make-up Air System
A make up air system helps pull fresh air into an enclosed building space without enough air circulation. The system is designed to use the same return-air ductwork as the building’s standard central HVAC system.
But before you decide to install a make up air system in your building, read on to get a more informed idea.
Significant Energy Savings
This system removes the need for expensive primary cool air generators, often high energy-consuming units. It reduces your building’s operating costs significantly.
The heat recovery device recovers 40% to 70% of the heat from the exhaust air leaving the conditioned spaces and transfers it to make-up air entering those spaces.
Even though the overall airflow in a system is lower than with only make-up air, you will move nearly as much through your large spaces by moving rooms of warm (or cool) air into other rooms to mix and distribute that heat (or cold).
Improved Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
IAQ can be improved by removing contaminants from the make-up air flow entering your building. It helps reduce the number of pollutants in the HVAC system.
In addition, if no outdoor air is being brought into your building from stand-alone units, you will have reduced infiltration through windows and other openings into your building, which is especially important during the winter months.
It is an air-source heat pump system, similar to a geothermal heat pump, but without underground piping. This approach provides a dramatic improvement in Indoor Air Quality and the elimination of infiltration. It is most often used in climates too cold for traditional geothermal applications.
Reduced Maintenance Costs
A sealed make up air system reduces the amount of dust and dirt that can reach your HVAC equipment, where they can cause wear and tear on moving parts in heat transfer equipment. It significantly reduces maintenance costs by lowering fan motor replacement requirements due to dust ingestion; fan motor replacement is one of the most common maintenance items on HVAC equipment.
Prevent Leakages
This system prevents infiltration and exfiltration (leakage), which results in even more improved IAQ by preventing moving air containing contaminants to/from your HVAC system.
It also reduces energy loss associated with leakage. A clean, sealed system is more efficient than leaks because it prevents energy-robbing leakage.
Lesser Operating Costs
The heat recovery system provides heated replacement air to the HVAC heat exchanger, reducing the amount of fuel needed to heat your building during the winter months. It can reduce your utility bills significantly for heating.
In addition, since the system uses a heat pump to increase or decrease temperature as necessary, you will have less expensive cooling requirements during hot summer months. It means you may completely eliminate the need for costly summertime HVAC equipment, such as traditional chillers.
Smaller Equipment Room
Because you can use up to 70% less energy and build a room with smaller doors and mechanical equipment, this system typically reduces equipment and ductwork costs. It also reduces construction costs because it can be integrated seamlessly into a new or existing building.
On-Demand Heating And Cooling
Energy-recovery systems maintain a constant temperature within your facility by using an outdoor air pre-cooler to modulate indoor temperatures from outside air when using “on-demand” heating and cooling.
Savings in capital expenditures and operating expenses have made this system desirable for commercial buildings, including schools, hospitals, offices, apartments, and office buildings.
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One Comment
gloria patterson
When I started to read I read make-up and thought cosmetics. If I had a home I would be very interested in this. going to share with a few friends