Must See Movies!

Purchase Tickets To See ‘The Firing Squad’ In Theaters Nationwide August 2nd! #thefiringsquad #christianfilm #summerblockbuster #movienight

I am super excited to share a movie that I was lucky to have seen in advance of its nationwide release in theaters this summer and it’s called The Firing Squad. Seriously…..all I can say about The Firing Squad is that you need to prepare to be moved by this powerful movie that is based on a true story that just happened within the last decade….2015 to be exact. This movie is about finding hope in the face of death and it is brought to you from celebrated Christian filmmaker Tim Chey. It follows the story of three convicted criminals who were sentenced to be executed by firing squad in an Indonesian prison camp in 2015. As their execution date closes in, a remarkable sequence of events unfold and which bring international attention to the transformative power of faith and hope that transcends our darkest moments. This story is beautiful, moving, touching and extremely powerful in it’s message and it moved me to my core. I’m so glad to have been able to see it so that I can share it with you and I urge you to share it with everyone that you know as it’s a story that needs to be shared with the world! Mark your calenders and purchase your tickets to see The Firing Squad starting 8/02!

Watch the Trailer:

The Firing Squad looks like an amazing film right!? I seriously cannot tell you how much I enjoyed every moment of this film and my husband and kids enjoyed it too. They agree with me that this is a story that needs to be shared with the world as it’s a powerful film full that will move you and fill you with hope. The world needs more messages of hope like this and The Firing Squad provides it beautifully making it a must-see.

This incredible film features an all star cast too…..James Barrington, Kevin Sorbo (“God’s Not Dead”, “Let There Be Light”), and Cuba Gooding, Jr. who I have loved for decades. The Firing Squad will premiere in up to 2500 theaters starting August 2nd so get your tickets today!

 “They faced death, And chose life.”

Learn more, Watch the trailer & Most Importantly Grab Your Tickets Today! In Theaters 8/02!
Also, make sure to check their site  to see if there are some free screenings near you!


  • Kathy

    This sounds like it would be a good movie. This is the first time of hearing of this too. I’ll have to make sure to see it.

    • mcushing7

      I am so happy about this Anita! I love faith based movies too and I am telling you….. you will be movied by this one. I was pleasantly surprised at how I felt and love love love this movie! The world needs to see this one!

  • Jess Benoit

    “The Firing Squad” sounds like a deeply moving film that highlights the power of faith and hope in the face of adversity. The true story behind it, set in an Indonesian prison camp, promises to be both heart-wrenching and inspirational.

    • mcushing7

      It is a powerful film not to be missed. Spread the word and make sure you get your tickets to see it starting 8/02!

    • mcushing7

      I so love that Karen and make sure you come back and tell me your thoughts…. it is an incredible film! I am going to see it again in theater too!

  • Nikki Wayne

    I think adults will enjoy this. Many people really like action, and I can tell that this is like an action movie and a fuj one that whole family members can enjoy.

    • mcushing7

      Hi Nikki! This is a fabulous film for sure….. not a whole lot of action in this one…. it is more about finding oneself through God. It is such a beautiful story that had me on the edge of my seat to see what would happen next. The story is beautoful and I always love movies based on true stories. They’re the best kind!

  • Lavanda

    Thanks for sharing about ‘The Firing Squad’! It sounds incredibly moving and powerful. I’ll definitely look out for it when it hits theaters on August 2nd.

  • Lavanda

    Wow, your review has me intrigued and touched already! The Firing Squad sounds like a profoundly moving and powerful film, especially being based on a true story.

  • LisaLisa

    This movie was excellent from what I saw. I missed the last part, so I told my friend I’ll catch up on it later today to see how it ends.

    • mcushing7

      Lori it is a fantastic film and not violent at all. It is a true life story that the world needs to hear so make sure you check it out in theaters starting 8/02! I love Cuba Gooding Jr too!

    • mcushing7

      I have always loved him since Jerry McGuire 😉 You defintiley have to watch this one! It is in theaters starting 8/02!

  • Melanie E

    I really like Cuba Gooding JR he is such a great actor. I think this would be a great movie for my husband to go see with his friends. I’m so glad to hear that you and your whole family really enjoyed seeing it.

    • mcushing7

      It is an incredible movie for sure…. powerful and moving and I always love movies based on true stories 😉

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