Parvovirus Symptoms In Dogs And Treatments To Follow
One of the most contagious diseases a dog can have is parvovirus. Like all viral diseases, parvovirus in dogs is highly transmittable and mainly affects pups of six weeks to six months. It can affect the older ones, but parvovirus can have fatal consequences for a young canine. If you are a new dog owner or want to learn more about the disease, the following information will help you.
Parvovirus makes young pups seriously ill, and they can suffer greatly. Unfortunately, your dog may be extremely ill by the time you realize it. Like all diseases, if you can catch the symptoms early on, you can take your dog to the vet in time and save him from pain. If your dog starts showing some of the following symptoms, don’t waste any time and take him to the vet.
1) Since the virus stays in the gastric tube of the dog, it attacks the intestines first and causes diarrhea. So if you spot blood in the stool, it’s an indicator that the dog might be suffering from parvovirus.
2) If the dog starts to vomit after a meal and continues to do so, then your dog might have parvovirus.
3) Your dog is suffering from a high fever.
4) The dog is becoming a bit lethargic and inactive.
5) The eating habits of your dog have changed, making him anorexic.
6) Your dog is losing weight without any reason.
7) The dog is losing strength and becoming weak.
8) Your dog is suffering from dehydration.
9) Your dog seems depressed; parvovirus can cause depression in some dogs.
Be on the lookout for these symptoms, as these are problematic conditions for the dog. It is important to remember if you can catch the disease early on, your dog will make a full recovery. The first 4-5 days are highly crucial, and with proper treatment, your dog can be cured in 9-10 days.
Parvovirus mainly attacks young pups since their immune system is still developing. If proper treatment is not provided, the virus might prove fatal. However, you should know there is no exclusive treatment for the disease. The damage caused by the virus makes the dog susceptible to secondary disease; therefore, a vet will opt to treat them. Following are the treatments that a vet can perform.
1) If the diarrhea is worse, the vet will give medicine for it.
2) He will guide you regarding the diet of your dog.
3) He may give medicine for high fever.
4) He would keep the dog warm and give proper nursing.
5) He’ll treat the dehydration caused by the virus.
As mentioned, aggressive treatment of secondary diseases is the only cure for parvovirus. However, you can prevent it from happening if the dog is vaccinated and doesn’t have contact with infected canines.
There is a 90% chance that the canine will make a full recovery with early detection. However, aftercare is significant for the complete recovery of your furry friend.
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