My Savvy Review Of The World’s First and Only In-Bottle Probiotic Shake Maker @ProbioticMaker @SMGurusNetwork
Deliciously Savvy received product and/or compensation in exchange for an honest and unbiased review and all opinions are 100% my own. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!
I am so excited to share the World’s First and Only In-Bottle Probiotic Shake Maker with everyone that I know as it is the affordable and savvy way to ensure that you get your daily dose of probiotics. The Probiotic Maker allows you to make 11 types of the freshest/healthiest probiotics available and all by only spending 1 minute of prep time and not a single dirty dish! How awesome is that?!?
We have learned over the years the many benefits of probiotics but let’s touch on those many benefits again as they are plentiful. There are over 140 incredible benefits from probiotics in general…. such as looking great, feeling great, your immune system is boosted, your mood and sleep is improved, improved gut health and more. Ensuring that you are using the freshest probiotics available is why I am loving this Probiotic Maker as they provide you with just that. You will receive 2 Free ProBiotic Starter “Seed” Packets with the Probiotic Maker which is enough starter to make over 90 servings and seriously… ProBiotics do not get fresher than that as who knows how long the products sitting in the stores have been there. If those products are sitting for any extended length of time, that means that the ProBiotics are not fresh thus not providing the benefits that they should to the consumer. This is the reason I jumped at the chance to give the ProBiotic Maker a try as it simply does not get fresher than making it yourself.
When you receive your ProBiotic Maker you receive this warming sleeve and 2 free ProBiotic Starter “Seed” Packets to get you rolling. The 2 ProBiotic Starter “Seed” Packets provide you with up to 90 servings which is huge and the refills are super inexpensive so it is so much savvier than purchasing ProBiotics over the counter and the best part is you are in control of how it is made. You are in complete control of everything including the flavoring, sweetness, fat content, tartness and thickness, type of milk used and more.
Use any type of fresh, sealed, purified milk including:
*Skim Milk (Make Fat-Free Pro-Biotic Sakes)
* 1%, 2% or Whole Milk (Keto Yogurt/Kefir)
*Milk Alternatives with natural sugars for probiotics to grow and no artificial sweeteners/ingredients that can inhibit probiotic growth.
How does the ProBiotic Maker work so well? It is all about the perfect temperature! Yogurt makers can get too hot and can kill off kefir (mesophilic or medium heat) cultures. Think about it… is you want probiotics to thrive at body temperature then why not grow them at body temperature?! That is exactly what the ProBiotic Maker does…. it automatically targets body temperature to get benefits of both yogurt and kefir, both thermaphilic and mesophilic cultures making you the freshest and most effective probiotics available and all while saving you lots of money! Each gallon batch is equivalent to hundreds of pills, 47 probiotic drinks, 32 yogurt cups, and 64 yogurt tubes which means you are going to save LOTS of money each and every month.
So what do you think of the ProBiotic Maker? Are you like me and looking for the freshest and most economical probiotics available? The ProBiotic Maker is for you as it is super easy and takes only 1 minute of your time. Simply empty the contents of the ProBiotic Starter “Seed” Packets into a gallon of milk, slip on the ProBiotic Maker, plug it in and 8 hours….pop it in the fridge to cool. You then have fresh probiotics to use in your smoothies, yogurt bowls and more and you can flavor and add to the probiotics to make them any way that you would like. This maker is perfect for anyone on the Keto, Adkins and/or Paleo diets and it is also good for Mother Earth as each batch that you make at home eliminates over 100 pieces of plastic and garbage from polluting our landfills and oceans! Check them out online and on social media today and check out the offer below for a limited time!
Right Now Save $47.77 OFF of a ProBiotic Maker! Simply sue code DELICIOUSLYSAVVY1 at the checkout to get started on making your own delicious probiotics with the ProBiotic Maker.
ProBiotic Maker
As Always, Thank You For Visiting Deliciously Savvy Today And Leave Some Comment Love And/Or Enter A Giveaway While You Are Here. I Always Love Hearing From You!
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Dana Rodriguez
This is so awesome. What a great idea. And it saves so much money and waste. Brilliant!
sally jones
i think this is the most awesome thing ive seen and read about in a long time.
What an absolutely amazing idea – I never heard about it before! Thanks for this post:D
Amanda Ripsam
We love smoothies here at home I put probiotics in them and love trying new brands thanks for the chance to win.
Michelle Jones
I bought this mixer to make tiki drinks. I first used it the other night to make a “three dots and a dash” drink. This is essential, because the recipe calls for flash blending.
Monica Y
What a great product, looks so simple, I need to buy one and make some yogurt at home without all the chemicals
I didn’t even know there was a product like this – I think it would be a nice addition to my smoothy routine
looks so delightful,one of the must try recipee at home.thanks for sharing.
Albertina Geller
Great product will surely try it & make probiotics at home. Thanks for the article.
Sandy Klocinski
This is so exciting! Thanks for sharing. An must have for the shake connoisseur