My Savvy Review Of Q-Beam’s Performance 67 3-Pack Of Aluminum Flashlights @Viatek @SMGurusNetwork
My Savvy Review Of Q-Beam’s Performance 67 3-Pack Of Aluminum Flashlights @Viatek @SMGurusNetwork
Deliciously Savvy received product in exchange for an honest and unbiased review and all opinions are 100% my own. Regardless, I only review products that I am truly interested in for myself and my family and of course for sharing those reviews with my savvy readers. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!
If you are in need of a quality flashlight that is the perfect size and that you can take with you pretty much anywhere…. then look no further than the Q-Beam Performance 67 3-pack of Aluminum Flashlights. These flashlights are ideal for everyday use and are the perfect flashlight to have handy, pretty much anywhere. These are perfect for keeping in your vehicle in the glove box or center console as the size is perfect and not too large. The Q-Beam Peformance 67 3-Pack Of Aluminum Flashlights are the perfect flashlight to keep in your backpack, book bag, purse, gym bag, camping gear, hiking gear or for keeping in the various rooms throughout your home in the event of a power outage.
The Q-Beam Performance 67 3-Pack Aluminum Flashlights each have 12 bright LED lights and the flashlight body is constructed of durable Aluminum. The flashlights are shock resistant and there are lanyards on each one so that you can easily pull the flashlight out of your bag or keep it handy on your wrist as a wrist strap. Each flashlight comes with 2 AA Alkaline batteries as well so that the flashlights are ready to use once you open the package and install the batteries. This flashlight is really well made and I have to admit that I was impressed at their overall quality as the price was so amazing! These flashlights provide an amazing beam distance of 33 meters and each will run on their batteries for a total of 3 hours. These are perfect to have on hand for emergencies or power outages and the price is right.
So what do you think of Q-Beam and their 3 pack of aluminum flashlights? If you are in need of flashlights make sure that you check them out today as these are a fabulous trio of flashlights that everyone needs to have on hand. Check all of Q-Beams products out today and also stop by and check them out on social media!
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Tamra Phelps
Oh, boy, it seems there’s never a flashlight nearby when you need it or it has no batteries, lol. You can never have too many good flashlights.
Ronald Gagnon
Very helpful information..for a great need
Denise Low
Thank you for sharing. This looks like a great flashlight and everyone need one of these. You never know when you will need one.
Lauryn R
I love aluminum flashlights! They always seem more sturdy and well made. I love that these come in a set, perfect for a family! We like for everyone to have their own flashlight when we go camping. 🙂 Thanks for your review!
June S.
(My Savvy Review Of Q-Beam’s Performance 67 3-Pack Of Aluminum Flashlights @Viatek @SMGurusNetwork) These great sounding flash lights would be great to have with us on our camping trips that we take every summer. I hate walking in the dark to go and use the restroom , it is always way to dark on those walk ways to the bathroom.
vickie couturier
these are great flashlights,we keep one in everyroom just in case when the power goes off,,i hate trying to find one in the dark
Emily Benzing
I never realized how important flashlights were to have until I lost power in the house for a while with no candles, and got stuck in the dark in some situations when I needed to see. Thanks for the wake up call, lol!
Karen Jaras
My husband and grandchildren all love flashlights. I hate the plastic ones that get dropped and broken before we can test them in an outage. These may be perfect for camping or just messing around outside.
Lynne B
Is it weird that I’m a flashlight junkie? My husband always has a bunch in the garage. I like to keep one in my car, emergency kit, in my children’s tool bags that we sent with them to college. These would be perfect for any of those purposes.
Karen Jaras
My husband has passed his passion for flashlights to our grandchildren, so a good flashlight is hard to find at our house.