Make Anyone Smile This Holiday Season With A Bouquet From Teleflora!
There is nothing I love more than the Holiday Season as it is a warm and beautiful time of the year. You get to hanging with friends and family for so many of the gatherings the you have throughout the season and so many wonderful memories are made. With us nearing the close of the Holiday Season I find myself still looking for the perfect gift for a few on my gift giving list and this where Teleflora comes in. This year Teleflora wants to make sure no one if left out, which is why they strive to create the most beautiful and affordable if bouquets can bring a smile to anyones face & they have styles and sizes to fit every budget so that you don’t have to leave anyone off of your list! I can give a small one to my mailman and bring a smile to his face and a large and beautiful one to my Mom. Their bouquets make the perfect gift this Holiday Season so let’s take a look at a sampling of this years most beautiful Holiday Bouquets from Teleflora that make the perfect gift for anyone on your list and even yourself!
Thomas Kinkade’s Sweet Shoppe Bouquet
Teleflora’s Vintage Sleigh Ride Bouquet
This is my second favorite… or maybe its tied with the one above BUT I lobbed that red sleigh and the is a collectible piece that your recipient can see for years and years to come. Your recipient will be dashing through the snow in this flower-filled open sleigh! It is fun and festive and the vintage metal keepsake sleigh is the perfect vehicle for a joyful holiday bouquet. This one contains red carnations, miniature red carnations and white limonium are accented with cedar, spiral eucalyptus, white pine, seeded eucalyptus and variegated holly. Delivered in Teleflora’s Vintage Sleigh Ride Keepsake.
Teleflora’s Silent Night Bouquet
This is a beauty too! It is so hoards to decide because of all of the beautiful arrangements that teleflora has to offer!You can capture the wonder of a silent, snowy night with this beautiful holiday gift & the best part is that theceramic ornament jar is adorned with a quaint Christmas village and bursts with a spirited holiday bouquet. This bouquet contains red roses, miniature white carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are accented with noble fir, cedar and white pine. Delivered in Teleflora’s Snowy Village Ornament.
Teleflora’s Send A Hug® Sweet Frosty Bouquet
Teleflora’s Vibrant Christmas Centerpiece
This is a beautiful piece too.I am having a hard time decision between this and the one at the top as my mom likes to put arrangements into her dining table scented and this so vibrant and beautiful! With this she can dress up her holiday celebrations with this elegant Christmas rose bouquet. Filled with red roses, white asiatic lilies, and miniature red carnations, this vibrant Christmas flower centerpiece is delivered in a beautifully arranged scalloped glass keepsake bowl with shimmering metallic finish.
Deliciously Savvy received product and/or compensation in exchange for honest and unbiased review post and all opinions are 100% my own. Than yo for stopping by and enjoy! Thank you for stopping by and enjoy!
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Tamra Phelps
Any one off these would be a beautiful Christmas centerpiece on any table. Love all the red flowers this time of year.
Everything Enchanting
Everyone loves receiving a beautiful bouquet! I need to check out Teleflora’s collection!
Those bouquets are really gorgeous. I did not know they had those. Will get some for my table.
These are so beautiful. i would purchases on for my dinner table. Thanks for sharing this with us.