IQAir Atem Desk Personal Air Purifier Insta GIVEAWAY! Ends 6/22
It is no secret to any one that knows me or that visits my blog that I am a huge fan of IQAir. I absolutely love their products as they are hands down the best out of any available on the market. They have units for the home, for on the go and for your work space too as IQAir is committed to the highest product quality and manufacturing excellence which is evident in the quality of their products and their product designs. By using the highest quality components, a dedicated team of skilled craftspeople, and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, they are able to build the finest air cleaning products in the world. They go to these lengths to make the best products because of their vision to assist people in living longer, healthier and more productive lives. They want to do this by helping people to breathe the cleanest, healthiest air possible and this vision has guided the company since its founding in 1963. Their air purifiers are the only air purifiers I will use and I believe everyone should seriously look into adding a IQAir Air Purifier into their home… whether it be a whole house system, a home unit, or my favorite… the Atem Desk Air Purifier.
This brings us to a Giveaway! IQAir is sponsoring an Instagram Giveaway for one lucky winner to win an IQAir Atem Desk in either the white or black color options! Entry is super easy to Enter Today and Good Luck!
Giveaway Alert! To help you and your family beat those seasonal allergies @DeliciouslySavvy is teaming up with @IQAir to host an IQAir Atem Desk Giveaway!
Instagram Giveaway Prize
We will award the winner an IQAir Atem Desk In Either White Or Black Color Options
To enter:
1. Follow @IQAir & @deliciouslysavvy Instagram and like this pix.
2. In comments, tag your entry #IQAir (1 tag = entry, unlimited entries).
3. Bonus entry? Easy! Make a comment about why you are interested in trying the IQAir Atem Desk made to remove the smallest of particles including viruses ~ down to .003 microns!
One winner will be chosen on June 22nd, 2021
The winner will be randomly chosen from the pool of Instagram entries.
The winner must live in the United States.
Good luck, everyone!
Deliciously Savvy received product and/or compensation in exchange for this collaboration and all opinions are 100% my own. This post contains affiliate links and I may make a small commission used to support this blog at no cost to you, if the items are purchased using the links in this post. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy!
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I have allergies and would love to see if something like this would help.
I don’t have social media though.
Mary M
I’m allergic to just about everything. I am allergic to 100 of the 101 environmental things my allergist tested me for. Also have numerous drug and food allergies. Obviously I need anything I can get to help my allergies. This sounds promising.
Glo Patterson
I have COPD and I think this would help clear the air. I live in a senior building that was built in the 80 so this would be a blessing
Glo Patterson
I have COPD and it would be great to breath fresh air entered on instragram