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What Is Inversion Therapy and What Is It Used For?

What Is Inversion Therapy and What Is It Used For?

If you are someone who suffers from back or joint pain, you may have heard talk of a mode of treatment called inversion therapy. This is that rather odd-looking treatment where the person is strapped to a table and literally turned upside down. Of course, this won’t be suitable for everyone and it’s best to get the opinion of a professional such as a True Spine Chiropractor before starting inversion therapy. If you’ve been given the all clear to go for it, it can be done at home if you purchase your own inversion table, and you can find useful information about how to choose one at

But what does inversion therapy actually do for the body, and who can benefit from it?

Using Gravity To Fight Spinal Compression

The most common use of inversion tables is to aid with back pain, for instance, people who have symptoms such as sciatica – pain caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve caused by muscular tension or a herniated disc in the spine. Additionally, an inversion table may benefit people suffering from an annular tear to reduce symptoms. However, this may not be an effective treatment option; you can find annular tear treatment choices at Dr Tony Mork’s website, as well as other severe back pain condition treatment options. If you just do a quick google search into something like help sciatic nerve pain, you’ll see that there are many solutions to treating any muscle pains you are suffering with. It is important to remember that you don’t have to go through this alone, as there are professional doctors and specialist clinics out there that can put you on the path of recovery.

In spinal conditions, the inversion position uses gravity to decompress the spine, lengthening it and relieving pressure on nerves. This can not only provide pain relief but can also help improve general spinal alignment. If you consider that normally, the forces of gravity are pulling the spine down towards the feet and the weight of the body is working with it, it is easy to see how this could lead to painful compression over time. By switching your position to one where gravity is working the opposite way, that compression is reversed.

Circulation And Lymphatic Drainage

Another good thing about inversion therapy is that it can improve circulation and lymphatic system drainage. If you have experienced fluid retention – common in women and usually seen in the lower legs, then this is something that being upside down can help. Normally, the systems in your body have to fight against gravity when doing things like returning blood to your heart after circulating it through your legs. With inversion therapy, the effects of gravity are reversed helping movement through your limbs and allowing the drainage of retained water.

Is It Safe?

Inversion therapy has been used for hundreds of years. In fact, it was even written about by Hippocrates, who is considered the father of medicine by many scholars, at around 400 BC. This means it has been studied a lot, but it isn’t safe for everyone. People with high blood pressure or heart problems should not use it, due to the effect it has on circulation. It is always something you should speak to your doctor about before trying. However, for most people, it can be a completely safe and natural way to gain relief from common problems like lower back pain. It is important, however, to learn how to use your inversion table safely and properly, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Inversion therapy is something a lot of people swear by when it comes to joint and spine pain. It can have benefits for people who suffer from heavy legs as heavy legs are one of the symptoms of poor circulation which inversion therapy can help combat. If you think it sounds like it could help you, then why not discuss this option with your doctor?