How To Stop Being So Clumsy!
You are so clumsy! You are such a klutz! Oh, don’t forget to put one foot in front of the other! Are you familiar with all of these things being said to you? If you are quite clumsy day to day, you’d be familiar with these things. You’re knocking over your drinks, you tumble trying to put on your clothes, you trip up the stairs – that’s never nice. Your body is covered in bruises, embarrassment is a second nature emotion for you now. Clumsy people generally tend to resign themselves to a life full of bruises, stains and spills on the carpet. In fact, most of them choose not to have carpet because they know how much the stains are going to set. The good news is that you don’t have to live like this.
Some people are naturally clumsy, but did you know that it’s related to a few different factors? Everything from the way your brain receives and processes things, to the way that your brain can react to things around you, and even your level of concentration can determine how clumsy you are – or not. Nobody wants shins full of bruises, and elbow skin and every time they fall down I can’t quite manage to process the distance between where they are standing on the wall next to them. The trouble is it’s not something you can always help. Sometimes, stress can get in the way of the way your brain functions and this can lead to you being more comfy than usual. It’s always nice to have George Salinas Injury Lawyers on standby, but it can also help to learn how to be less clumsy and to learn how to move your body to have less missteps, and less bashes. Life doesn’t have to literally keep throwing you off balance and thankfully, there are steps that you can take to ensure that you have fewer mishaps in life. There is plenty of knowledge out there, so that you can move through life seamlessly, and confidently. Below, we’ve got some of the ways that you can control your inner clumsy klutz and make sure that you are living a life to the fullest with less arnica cream.

*Learn when to stop. One of the biggest reasons you might be clumsy, it’s because you’re not thinking about your depth perception. When you miss judge how far away something else is, you are much more likely to bash into it and gain a new bruise. A little bit of stress can be a good thing for your clumsiness. Stress can help you to focus better, increase your situational awareness and have a bit more confidence in your position. If you have too much stress, this can slow down your ability to process and focus. Sometimes, it can be helpful to learn when to just stop what you’re doing and take a look around you. A little bit of awareness of what’s happening near your body can stop you from falling over, running into things and putting yourself in danger in the long run. The best way you can do this is to clear your mind and enhance your awareness. Learning to slow down to take stock of the world around you and to just breathe for just a moment will make all the difference to how clumsy you are day to day.
*Work on your brain. One common thread between those who are clumsy is that they have terrible memories and often forget things. If you work on brain training games like sudoku and crossword puzzles, you can enhance your ability to concentrate and think. You’ll be able to speed up your reaction and processing times and have better coordination than most people out there. There are plenty of apps for this to work so just look for brain games on your phone. There are options designed to improve your memory and temperature cognitive function and all of this can prevent you from being clumsy.
*Exercise. You may not think your workouts will help your clumsiness, but they can. There have been several studies on athletes that have shown that let’s call control can increase the risk of strains and sprains. If you strength in your body you are more likely to be able to catch yourself should you be about to fall into something or fall over. Preventing injury is the important thing here, because you don’t want to have an accident at work or in public because you can’t control your ability to stop tripping over. By adding more to your exercise regime and going to mohawks, you should be more aware of the world around you and strengthen your body to be able to stop yourself if you do find yourself about to trip up.

*Plan ahead. Have you read the rest of your next trip? Are you thinking about your usual routine today to ensure that there is nothing that could hurt you or harm you along your way? Thinking ahead about what’s about to happen next is one of the most basic things anybody can do. The problem? Some people don’t have that ability. Training your brain, as we mentioned earlier, can help you here. Accidents happen very quickly, like, really quickly. We don’t have very long to determine what’s about to happen next and a mental mistake can mean you are clumsier than usual and end up hurting yourself. If you’re feeling especially clumsy today. Make the effort to be extra aware of your surroundings and your actions. If you’re about to move, look at your world around you first. Is there something in the way? Is there something you can trip on? Can you bring yourself against anything? All of these questions need to be answered.
*Take your time. Possibly the best tip that anybody who is clumsy can have is to take the time with everything that they can do. This is called mono tasking, and it means that you are doing one thing at a time. This is very simple, once you start to multitask, you can confuse yourself and literally tie yourself up in knots. Let’s avoid that! Be patient when you’re trying new things and when you’re moving from place to place. Don’t try to rush yourself, and if you are somebody who loves to wear heels but you need to move quickly, swap the flat shoes until you get to your destination and then slip your heels back on. Taking your time with everything that you do will ensure that you are able to complete your tasks without hurting yourself. There’s no need to run for the train. It’s always better to be a little late than to get hit by something or somebody on the road.
Work on a better sleep routine. It’s never easy to get more sleep when you are so used to being up and about and doing things, but sleep will help your body to rest. Losing a few hours of sleep can be almost like drinking wine, the effects of which can be profound and fast and they can make your body deteriorate quickly. You need sleep to replenish your energy and the more energy you have the less likely you are to be clumsy. When you have coffee in the morning you are more likely to clumsily spill your coffee and your hand or even just forget to put on the right shoes in the morning. Work on your clumsiness by ensuring that you have enough sleep.
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One Comment
Beyond Comps
My fatigue disorder makes me clumsy, can’t be helped.