Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

How To Keep Your Horse Happy and Healthy

It’s exciting to own a horse and certainly feels like a big achievement for people who have long dreamed of having a horse in their life. But of course, part of the achievement comes from the fact that it’s not easy to own a horse. There’s the expense, of course, but also the matter of their health and happiness, which are harder to manage than it would be for, say, a dog or cat. 

A little bit of time, effort, and knowledge can go a long way towards keeping your horse healthy and happy. In this post, we’ll run through some handy tips that’ll ensure you’re being a responsible horse owner. 

Calm and Relaxed

Want to keep your horse happy? Then do your best to ensure you create a calm and relaxed environment for them. Horses are some of the most sensitive animals on the planet, more sensitive than humans, so it’s important to really think about where they’re sleeping and the noises they’re subjected to. A stressed horse won’t just be living in an anxious state, but they’ll also be much more likely to have physical illnesses. 

Regular Exercise

Horses aren’t human, but they sure do have a lot of overlapping characteristics. For instance, just as with humans, horses need plenty of exercise. It’s something that’ll help them to be at their physical and mental best. You wouldn’t want to be cooped up inside all day, and neither would they. Horses should have at least two acres of land for running and should be taken out every single day. By ensuring they can get their full dose of exercise, you’ll be doing your bit to keep their overall health in tip-top condition, which has both short- and long-term benefits. 

Deworming and Vaccinations

Your horse will be at risk of parasites, which are just as bad as they sound. There’s an easy way to manage this risk — simply get QuestPlus Gel Dewormer, and commit to a regular schedule. In addition to deworming, it’s important to keep on top of vaccinations. There are several diseases that can cause real harm to your horse, but we have the vaccinations to deal with them. Most vaccinations need a booster every year. 

Checkups at the Vets

It’s much easier to manage a problem at the first sign, rather than waiting until it’s fully developed. That’s why it’s so important to take your horse to be seen by an experienced vet at least once a year. You can think of it as a tuneup that’ll help all your horses’ parts to work exactly as they should. It’s best to find a vet you can trust, which will allow them to have a long relationship with your horse. 

Weight Management

The biggest indicator of a horse’s health is their weight. If they’re too thin, then they’re not in optimal health; if they’re overweight, then they’ll be putting unnecessary pressure on their knees, as well as a host of other issues. Feeding quality food — and the right portions — is key.