Savvy Style

4 Pro Tips From Interior Designers

Though interior design may seem intimidating to many, the truth is that it doesn’t have to be a brainbender. Making your home look like something out of a magazine all comes down to knowing the right balance between aesthetics and functionality. And while many of us weren’t born with this automatic instinct to perfectly decorate your living space, we can learn the right tips to take your home decoration to the next level. 

If you’re ready to make your home look like it was decorated by an interior designer, here are some of the best tips from the pros. 

Use The Right Lighting

Lighting is everything when it comes to setting the tone in your home. Using too harsh of an overhead light will make your home look like a brightly left hospital room, or worse— a dentist’s office. Choose dim lighting and opt for lamps over strong ceiling bulbs. 

By creating pockets of light throughout the room rather than one harsh source above, you’ll give your home a cozier feel. Most importantly, choose the right bulbs. Although LED light bulbs are more energy efficient, they tend to be a lot brighter and cooler. Ideally, you want a neutral or warm light to create the coziest atmosphere.

Stay Consistent With Your Color Palette

The room will look much more cohesive and inviting if you choose the right color scale. It doesn’t necessarily mean that everything needs to be the same color, but all of the colors should complement each other. In other words, conflicting colors throughout a room will feel overwhelming, and potentially even tacky. 

You want a harmonious connection between each item in your living space. While initially this may seem a little silly, the truth is that the colors you choose in your home can play a significant role in your mood. Certain colors evoke certain emotions, which is why you should be selective about colors depending on how you want to feel in each room.

Buy Quality Pieces

Although there are certain strategies for how you should place your furniture throughout your house, none of these strategies will matter if your furniture is cheap or lacking in quality. Think quality over quantity when it comes to filling up your home. It may take time to afford it all, so it’s okay not to rush. Take your time buying high-quality pieces and accessories that will create a timeless look that doesn’t just feel more inviting, but it will give you a greater return on your investment over time since it will last.


One of the most important tips that interior designers would like to pass on to novices is that clutter is your worst enemy. Keep your space clear of any unnecessary objects, by putting them away when not in use. This will give you a sense of peace and order rather than overstimulating your brain.