How To Create Amazing Images For Your Email Newsletter
Everyone wants their email newsletters to be opened, read and engaged with, by as many people as possible which is why I wanted to share the importance of using amazing images in your email newsletters. The reason that you send those emails is because you want your readers to be informed of the latest and greatest coming from your website and for me the perfect hook to grab my readers attention has always been the visuals. I love creating pictures that look amazing and that have that “wow” factor. Below are some tips and tricks to help you to do just that…. grab your readers attention and ultimately to get them engaging.
The perfect hook and what grabs my attention when I am surfing and browsing on the web…are always the pictures. I love pretty pictures of pretty much anything….and the pictures are always the reason I am pulled into the many posts that I enjoy reading and learning from which is why I have focused on up’ing my game when it comes to taking my own photos. A good camera is a must and so is good lighting equipment. I happen to live in an older home that does not have an open floor plan and which can make many of the rooms in my home darker, in terms of lighting. The extra lights I purchased are the perfect tool to help me brighten any room that I am taking pictures in because in order for my pictures to pop they need to be bright, clear and crisp.
Now that you have those gorgeous pics… you need to find the resources available out there that will help you to turn those fabulous pictures into graphics that will grab your readers attention. I am always looking for the savviest options which means free resources are my “go to”. There are lots of resources out there full of tools that will help you to create engaging content for your email newsletters and so much more and many of them are free. Whether you are just starting out in blogging and social media or are a pro, blogging can be costly so finding as many free resources as possible to help you create those attention grabbing graphics is the super smart choice. I have found several free tools and resources along the way such as resources offering free fonts that are the perfect way to make your images stand out. Below are a few resources that you can use to create images that wow your readers and draw them in.
Font Bundles
If you are looking to ensure your images stand out…. then elevating them with premium free fonts is the way to go and is my go to for free and affordable fonts. Font Bundles has a huge array of fonts available that are perfect for any picture and especially for pictures used in your email newsletters. These various fonts are like an art of their own and once placed on your picture of choice, they add the perfect poop that will grab your readers attention which is what it is all about….creating engaging content that hooks your reader in. Fonts are the perfect resource for ensuring your email newsletters and social media posts “wow” your readers and in turn they will generate traffic for you.
After searching high and low for the perfect handwriting font for my site…. I have found the perfect font from Font Bundles and although it was not free….the price is super savvy which makes it well worth the investment for my site. The fonts come with everything you need as you can see above with Mermaid Takes, to career gorgeous themed pics with all the extras that make it pop and stand out. Be on the lookout as I will be creating a new fresh header for my email newsletters, website and social channels because I love it that much and will be back to update once it is finalized.
Blogging is not an easy job as there are so many aspects to it but one thing is for certain, as we have talked about here, and that is strong attention grabbing visuals that hook your readers into learning more is crucial to your business. With that said everyone needs any easy to use graphics website which is where PicMonkey comes in. I use PicMonkey for everything….from pics to use in my email newsletters, to pics to use in the many amazing giveaways that I host regularly, and for creating amazing pictures that I use in my blog posts and social media shares. PicMonkey does it all and you can start with a free trial to see how fabulous their platform works. PicMonkey allows you to power your brand with photo editing and design and they have ton of templates and new features that will really excited you.
Now there are lots of other features and sites out there to help you create amazing images to use on your email newsletters but the tips above are the basics to start and they are what I use each and every day when creating visual content. You can also check out Lightroom which is a multi-purpose editing app and also utilize Moodboards to help shape your visual strategy. Make sure to check back as I delve deeper in the world of graphic design as I want to learn to do it all myself…..
So what are your thoughts on these tips to creating amazing images for your Email Newsletter? Do you have your own suggestions to create amazing visual content? If so please leave a comment below and share as I am always wanting to learn and explore my options. Leave some comment love below today and thank you for stopping by!
Deliciously Savvy received compensation and/or product in exchange for an honest and unbiased review and all opinions are 100% my own.
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