Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

How Does A CT Scan Work?

Medical procedures come in various forms and are used to assess and diagnose a range of different diseases and conditions. Many people can feel anxious or afraid when they are told they need a medical procedure, with this fear often arising from feelings of uncertainty and confusion.  

One of the best ways to alleviate the stress and anxiety that can precede a medical procedure is to learn as much about the process as you can. If you are booked in for a CT scan, it can be easy to feel worried about what lies ahead. To help allay your fears, we’ve outlined exactly how a CT scan works and what you can expect from the procedure. Keep reading to find out more.  

What Is A CT Scan? 

A computerised topography scan, often shorted as CT scan, is an imaging process designed to create cross-sectional pictures of the inside of the body. A CT scan uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology to create highly detailed images of blood vessels, bones, and soft tissues.  

What Are CT Scans Used For? 

There can be many reasons why a doctor might book you in for a CT scan. Often, they are used to check for trauma or damage to the inside of the body, such as broken bones or damage to internal organs. They can also be used to diagnose problems with the circulatory system and to check for signs of possible stroke. CT scans can also be used to monitor things like tumours, and can be used as a guide for future surgeries by checking the size and location of tumours.  

If you are looking to book a private CT scan in London, take a look at Phoenix Hospital Group. There you can get a CT scan with state-of-the-art equipment and highly personalised care from a team of trained experts.  

What To Expect During A CT Scan? 

CT scanners are large, ring-shaped machines with a circular central part that rotates around the patient and generates the images. During your CT scan, you will lie flat on your back in the centre of the machine as it performs the scan. The procedure is painless and you won’t feel anything as the images are generated. Generally, the scan should take around 20 minutes to complete, after which you will be free to leave.  

The Risks 

As with any medical procedure, CT scans can carry some risk. The main risk is an exposure to radiation from the X-rays. Radiation exposure has been proven to increase rates of cancer. However, CT scans use very low levels of radiation, so the chances of this happening are very slim.  


A CT scan is an invaluable tool used by healthcare services to diagnose and manage a wide range of different diseases and conditions. If you have a CT scan coming up, use the advice we’ve outlined in this guide to know how the procedure works and what to expect during the process. If you’re looking for a private CT scan London, have a look at the services offered by Phoenix Hospital Group.