Savvy Tips & Helpful Hints

Follow These 5 Move-Out Cleaning Checklists to Get Your Deposit Money Back! 

Planning to move out from your former rented house? Well, it definitely can be overwhelming and demanding. There’s much to handle, from packing up your belongings to preparing the property for its final inspection!  

Returning the property in excellent condition to the landlord is crucial because it helps ensure the full return of your security deposit. If the property is looking disheveled and improper, your landlord might withhold the money and use it to cover costs for repairs, cleaning, and even damage beyond normal wear and tear. You do not want this to happen! 

Additionally returning the property in great shape also demonstrates respect for the property and helps you maintain a positive relationship with your landlord. This can be beneficial for future references or rental agreements.  

To satisfy your meticulous landlord and help ensure your move-out cleaning process is going smoothly, we have compiled some of the move-out cleaning checklists that you can follow to achieve a spotless result! 

Gather Essential Cleaning Supplies 

To get started, you need to first gather all of your essential cleaning supplies and make note of what tools you have, and what tools you need to purchase. To give you an idea, you’ll need a vacuum cleaner, cleaning solutions, a broom, a squeegee, a mop, and other cleaning tools. 

If you like to create a natural cleaning solution, you can use items like baking soda, white vinegar, olive oil, or other gentle alternatives. Make sure to collect all of the cleaning supplies before you begin cleaning the property. You don’t want to pause in the middle of the cleaning session, just because you realize that you run out of cleaning supplies. This will hinder your productivity and dampen your motivation to clean. 

Start by Cleaning One Area at a Time 

You should begin by cleaning one area at a time rather than trying to tackle everything all at once. This approach can help you maintain focus and ensure each area is thoroughly cleaned, preventing the feeling of being overwhelmed.  

Cleaning all areas at once can lead to losing focus, creating a mess in every room, and leaving you unsure where to begin again. By attempting to tackle everything simultaneously, you might feel overwhelmed and struggle to maintain a systematic approach, ultimately reducing your overall efficiency and effectiveness in cleaning. 

For example, you can start by cleaning the bedroom first before moving down to other areas of the house with a systematic approach. You can begin packing up all of your belongings first, before tackling the high surfaces of the room before gradually moving down to the blinds, windows, carpet, and floors. 

Clean the Kitchen Area  

Thoroughly cleaning the kitchen before you move out is essential, especially if your former rented house also provides you with kitchen appliances such as a refrigerator, stove, oven, and dishwasher.  

Ensuring that everything is working splendidly and is spotless will help you get your deposit money back. You can begin the kitchen cleaning by checking every appliance is in good condition, before thoroughly cleaning the appliances by wiping it down with the right cleaning solution and tools. 

Make Time to Clean the Bathroom 

The bathroom often becomes the most-used area in the house, even as you’re in the process of moving out. You might still need to use the bathroom as you clean the other areas of the house. Despite this often-happened situation, it’s crucial not to overlook cleaning the bathroom! 

Bathrooms often gather grime, soap scope, and mildew over time. Ensure that any buildup of these is removed before you leave. You should ensure to clean the bath and shower, scrub the sink and faucets, and thoroughly clean the toilet bowl. A spotless bathroom will contribute to leaving the property in excellent condition and help you secure the return of your deposit. 

Clean All Fixtures in The House 

The floor, walls, and even windows, are some of the major areas that are important to check for final inspection. Ensuring these areas are spotless can significantly impact the landlord assessment, increasing your chances of getting your money deposit back. 

Make sure to clean all parts of the floor, and if you’re using carpet you might want to consider steam cleaning it all. You should also check, clean, and repair the walls of your house as part of your end-of-tenancy task. If you notice that there are holes or damage in your walls, it is better to do a touch-up of the imperfection. Do keep in mind that visible marks or damage could affect your deposit refund.  

Not Sure On Doing It Yourself? Why Not Hire a Professional Cleaner? 

These essential cleaning tips will help make your rental property look as good as new. But if you are not sure about doing it yourself, or don’t have time to do it by yourself – why not hire professional cleaners to help you out? 

Professional cleaners have the expertise and equipment to ensure your rental property is cleaned to the highest standard. You can look up the moving in/out cleaning rates on the internet, to give you an idea of how much you might have to spare. While you might be hesitant to allocate part of your budget for this service, it can be a great investment as their professional-level cleaning can help ensure you get your security deposit back. 

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