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Everything to Know About TIPS Certification for Gaming Establishment

Due to the massive opening of casinos throughout the US and abroad, employees trained in alcohol safety could benefit employers and employees and restaurants. Good thing there are already companies, such as, that offer TIPS training. As owners of establishments, being TIPS certified would minimize or, better yet, prevent liquor liability insurance. 

If you are a server, employers will choose you over other participants if you are TIPS certified. Much more to those who hire for casinos and gaming establishments. They need someone who’s already certified and has well-equipped knowledge because you have undergone TIPS training for Casinos and Gaming Alcohol to prevent alcohol-related incidents. 

So, if you’re working in casinos or any gaming industries such as racetracks, gaming halls, riverboats, cruise ships, and the like that serve alcohol to a customer, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you will learn how TIPS Certification helps employees and employers in the gaming industry. So, without further ado, let’s get started. 

TIPS Certification for Gaming Course 

The course usually takes 2-3 hours for online takers to complete. This is ideal for those who work in the gaming industry. The atmosphere in the places could be a bit more exciting for customers and more challenging for the management or servers than the average restaurant or bar. 

This casino gaming course will be valid even in non-regulated states. But if you are unsure which course you will need, you can visit to help you. 

Overview of TIPS Certification for Gaming Industries 

These days, gaming establishments would offer complimentary drinks. The customers also stay on the premises and no longer drive, then it would be difficult to keep track of their alcohol consumption.

Because it’s safe to say that TIPS for Gaming will give enough knowledge to employees when the customer is a minor or has been drunk or “over-served.” Some customers pay for the training of staff by purchasing TIPS passports. They may even purchase quantities that may be valid for about three years.

Training will educate employees to handle customers well, so they will not harm themselves or others. If all staff and servers were TIPS certified, the gaming establishment would be prosperous, fun, and, most importantly, have a safe environment.

To Whom is eTIPS for Gaming Intended? 

The eTIPS for Gaming is designed for people selling or serving alcohol in the gaming environment. It’s ideal for bartenders, floor managers, cocktail servers, card dealers, security guards, food service personnel, and valets.

The training is intended for gaming establishment employees, as some people usually experience special excitement when visiting the gaming establishment. They usually play it close to the edge, though some bets are no longer worth taking.

This industry usually encounters special challenges, like visitors losing track of their complimentary cocktails. And since they usually stay on the property and no longer have to drive home, they might not drink moderately anymore.

With this, the TIPS for Gaming will educate the establishment’s staff on carefully recognizing underage or intoxicated guests. More so, it prevents illegal alcohol sales, as gaming establishment employees will learn how to deal with patrons who have been drinking too much and to keep them from hurting themselves and other guests.

Here is a list of what eTIPS Training is Intended for:

*Cruise Ships



*Gambling Halls


The Focus of eTIPS for Gaming 

The eTIPS for Gaming comes with 3 main areas of focus. These are the Skills Training, Information, and Rehearsal/Practice.

The TIPS training will cover strategies to enhance customer service and professionalism among the staff to fulfill the regulatory requirements. The intervention technique would also reflect the short period you have to interact with the customer in a sales setting.

Once an individual completes the lessons and tests and passes the final exam with a grade of at least 70%, they will get an official TIPS Certificate that is printable immediately.

The Objectives of the Course

 These are other objectives of the course.

*Help employees recognize IDs that would be acceptable as proof of age.

*Determine behaviors of guests that would be considered warning signs of underage.

*Apply legal information learned when they are in actual serving situations in casinos or other gaming establishments.

*Help determine intoxication rate factors and understand how intoxication rate would increase risks of persons drinking.

*Understand strategies that will help assess the guest based on legal alcohol criteria.

*Implement the right response to situations and incorporate a safe working environment.


TIPS training is not just training to comply with the state’s requirements. This should not be the kind of mindset every employee should consider. The training will help you deal with situations that are out of hand. With the right training, you are protecting yourself and the company you’re working with, and the lives of the people coming in and out of the gaming establishment.