Enter To Win The 1THRIVE Command Wall Organizer Back To School Giveaway! (1 Winner ~ $200 RV!) Ends 9/07 @1Thrive
Welcome To The 1THRIVE Command Wall Organizer Back To School Giveaway!
1 Winner ~ $200 RV!
This giveaway is part of our SMGN 2024 Back To School Gift Guide – Stop by to see all the giveaways and great products!
Co-hosts for this giveaway are
Pink Ninja Blog, Beautiful Touches, Golden Goose Giveaways, Gifts for all seasons, Home Jobs by Mom, Marksvilleandme, My Silly Little Gang, The Stuff of Success, & Versatileer
Below is a list of all the bloggers involved in the gift guide.
A Rain of Thought, Beautiful Touches, Contest Corner, Deliciously Savvy, Freebies Deals & Steals, Giveaway Gator, Golden Goose Giveaways, Home Jobs by Mom, Honey Can Do It, MarksvilleandMe, My Silly Little Gang, Pink Ninja Blog, Sweeps Madness, The Stuff of Success, This Frugal Grandmom, This Frugal Family, Versatileer
This Giveaway’s Sponsors Are:
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Click Below To Enter & Good Luck!
This giveaway/sweepstakes is in no way endorsed, affiliated, or associated with Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Media Networking Site. This Giveaway is valid to continental United States residents only, Entrants must be 18+ years of age to enter. This giveaway event will end at 11:59 PM (EST) 09/07/2024. The winner will have 48 hours to email their information back to mcushing7 at hotmail dot com and pinkninjablog at hotmail dot com or a new winner will be drawn, you may want to put these email addresses as safe as it could go to spam. The giveaway is not valid where prohibited! By entering you are authorizing us to collect the information on the form below, this information is used only to contact the winner! No purchase necessary, Void were prohibited by law, and the number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Winners are chosen randomly by the Giveaway Tools program. The sponsors are each responsible for shipping of the above prizes. No blog associated with this contest are responsible for prize fulfillment. If you would like to be a sponsor in a giveaway like this please email Melissa Cushing at mcushing7 (at)hotmail (dot) com. If you take an entry you must stay following for the entire contest or you will be disqualified.
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I’m going to use this to organize my medical life. I have a lot of appointments that my partner and I have to make it to and shots I have to administer, etc. This could be a great helper.
This board is fabuoous and you can set it up any way that works best for you! Good luck to you!
Darlene Carbajal
I will use this organizer to keep track of everything and get more done!
Amy D
My homeschool my two daughters and this would be great to keep us organized. I love the calendar and board.
This will be perfect for your needs! Make saure to chekc back daily and up your chances of winning 😉
I would use the organizers for making appointments and birthdays and just about everything. Thank you for the entry.
I love that and good luck to you! You will love this board!
Brittany Gilley
This would be so helpful keeping up with our hectic schedules