Ensure The Air That Your Family Breathes In Your Vehicle Is Purified & Free Of Harmful Pollutants With the IQAir Atem® Car! @IQAir @SMGurusNetwork
Ensuring that my home has clean and purified air is of utmost importance to me as it affects my family and their overall health and well being….but what about the air in my car? I had never really thought about this before but it makes total sense as it is proven that the air quality within a car can be up to 15 times more polluted than the air outside a vehicle which is frightening. For this reason I was super excited to give the IQAir Atem Car Advanced Car Air Purifier a try as this unit delivers virtually particle-free air for your family to breathe as it cleans the air up to 20 times per hour.
Check out this video which explains how this unit works:
We spend lots of time commuting to work and back, running errands and more…. so isn’t it essential that we ensure the air that we breathe within our vehicle is clean and purified so that we can protect ourselves and our loved ones? This is exactly what the Atem Car does as it uses gas-phase filtration that absorbs odors, gases, chemicals and even harmful allergens within your vehicle. What is left is clean, purified air and I love that!
I have learned that traffic pollution is absolutely horrible and way worse than anyone knows. The air in your car contains toxic mixtures of fumes and gases that are potentially dangerous and harmful to you and your families health. The Atem Car air purifier and its revolutionary HyperHEPA® Plus filter uses air filtration technology that is tested and certified to capture a wide range in-cabin air pollutants, all in a modern and sleek design that looks amazing in any style of vehicle.
Did you know that not only do you need to worry about the outdoor pollutants while in your vehicle but also the toxic new car smell that your vehicle may have. Your car can expose you to over 275 chemicals that can be present in your car at any given time, many of which are produced by interior materials which can contain toxic chemicals. In fact… researchers have found that it can take up to 3 years for “new car smell” toxins to drop below thresholds considered “safe” to breathe.
I love that I can rest assured that the Atem Car is safe, secure and family friendly as it has been subjected to extensive safety and performance tests to ensure maximum durability and security. With the Atem Car you and your family can breathe the cleanest air and the safest, healthiest, and most secure trips in your car.Plus I love that the automatic key-in-ignition activation saves us from the hassle and distraction of manual controls which means that you can keep your hands on the wheel while still breathing consistent clean & pure air.
So what are your thoughts on the Atem Car? Are you concerned about the air quality of your vehicle like I am? Are you looking for air purification that can remove particles as small as a virus…. down to 0.003 microns? Make sure you visit IQAir today online to learn more and make sure to visit them on social media too!
Deliciously Savvy received product and or compensation in exchange for an honest and unbiased review and all opinions are 100% my own. Regardless…I only review products that I am truly interested in for myself and my family and of course for sharing those reviews with my savvy readers. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy!
As Always, Thank You For Visiting Deliciously Savvy Today & Leave Some Comment Love And/Or Enter A Giveaway While You Are Here. I Always Love Hearing From You!
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Debbie P
I can really use one of these. It’s a little pricey though.
Tamra Phelps
I had no idea they made this sort of thing for vehicles. That does seem like a pretty good idea.
Caitlin Farrin
So excited yo have had learned so much about this product in the review!
Sandra Watts
This is just what I need for house and car. Thanks for review.
Jodi Hunter
Thanks for this incredible review. This is so cool.
Cindi Knowles
Great review for a cool product
Linda Manns Linneman
This is so nice. We are in the car a lot. This would be so helpful for allergies and eliminating odors. Great invention. Thank you so much for sharing
Bobbi Walker
This is so awesome…I have never heard or seen anything like this. This is so smart to put into a car. Can’t wait to see who wins!
Lisa Williams
I would love to use one of these in my car,My kids have allergies so trying to travel wouldn’t be a hassle anymore. Eliminating odors in the car would be great too,since the family sometimes eats in the car on the way to events.
Laura Unger
We have an air purifier in our house because we have lots of allergies, but I didn’t know they were available for cars. We spend a lot of time in our car, so air quality is very important.
Paula Pennachio
This would be awesome. I have terrible allergies. I bet it’s really expensive though i don’t see where it tells us.
bernardina sims
This air purifier sound perfect for my allergies! Thanks for the great review it was really helpful and I’m checking them out!
Gina Ferrell
I have a air purifier for my home and love it. I never knew they made them for vehicles. Air purifiers are so great for helping with allergies and eliminating odors.
Katita King
This is a very unique item indeed. I definitely would love to have this for my car
Francine Anchondo
This would be great to have. I am always concerned about air quality.
Ken Ohl
this would be so great our summer suffers from allergies this would be so helpful
My daughter and I have terrible allergies we also just bought a new car. I hear a lot that materials in cars emit tons of chemicals in the air. This sounds perfect do us!
Cassandra Huber
We travel a lot, and with traveling come allergen exposure in different areas. This would be awesome to have on our trips.
Have used the big IQAir for years, and they are excellent.
Linda Manns Linneman
This sounds so nice. I would love one of these for my car. I would love to have clean air for my family. Thank you so much for sharing
This would be perfect for the family van. We have a lot of kids.
This article was less insightful than I had hoped. However, I will say this: the author is very good at writing.
Laurie Nykaza
If you use one in your home it makes sense to use one in the car too. Sounds easy to use as well.
Phyllis Skoglund
This “car” air purifier should help everyone breathe easier.
Dana Rodriguez
This is a really good idea. I would love to own one for our vehicle.
this would be great, i have horrible allergies and i think this would be great to try out
I didn’t know that a product like this existed! I can see how air quality is an issue. Thanks for sharing this – we spend a lot of time in the car.
Wow. love this, especially if works for pollen.
When we travel to NC mountains the hay kills us and our allergies.
Amy D
We have an air purifier in our home. I would love one for my car. Anything to improve the air quality for my kids. 🙂
Amber Kolb
Wow!! This is really neat. I didn’t even know a product like this existed. Thank you for all of the information about it!
I agree that the air is crucial. We seldom think about it while driving. I will be checking this product for sure. Health is important, especially with kids.
I like learning that it can take up to 3 years to get rid of toxins from the new car smell. It looks easy to use.
Cindy Weimer
This would be awesome for my husband to have in his work truck. He has seasonal allergies & his job requires a lot of driving.
Lauren Peterson
I help transport animals for rescues and shelters, so I think this would be great…my car feels like it’s always full of hair and just…germs!
Stephanie Feece
Thanks for the great review. I think this would be a wonderful addition to our car.
I never thought about the air in the car either! I will have to look into one of these because we have allergies and one of my daughters and husband have asthma. We have air purifiers in the house, so why not the car too?
This is so cool I didn’t know there was a car air purifier! I will have to check it out thanks!
Jeanette Denning
Wow , really never thought about that .i know we need one in the home too.
Elizabeth Tarlow
We do a lot of commuting with our 2 Grandchildren, and an Air Purifier for the car would be a great asset!
Janet OBrien
I so need to win this. I always have wet rags or mop heads from work in the car. This would make it s little more tolerable to be in the car with those smells, until I can get to washing them.
Jeanna Massman
This product is amazing. It is the perfect accessory for the family car.
Jessica Walker
This would be amazing to have. My daughter has asthma and we have an air purifier in her room and it makes such a difference. I can walk in her room and actually feel the difference. I imagine the car would be just as great to have one in.
John Iavarone
Very interesting item, in depth review. Would like to try this item. Drive a lot and could use a modern product.
cynthia Beauclair
Is it battery operated, I didn’t notice? Thank you for the review.
My mom has bad allergies & she clears her throat in the car quite often. This would definately come in handy!
Karen P.
This is actually pretty interesting. Aside from the standard filters, I never really thought about the quality of the air inside of the car.
Stephanie Liske
This would be great as I have 3 dogs and 2 teenagers! 🙂 They can be a stinky, dirty lot at times.
jeanette h sheets
Ronda Patrick
This would be amazing for our extended roadtrips, it never fails someone gets sick and we are all couped up in the winter time… This would be great to clean up that inside the car air! Thanks for the chance!
Michelle H.
I could have really used this recently on a family road trip. We took our dogs with our family on a road trip.
Gaye McGill
Thanks for all the good information in your review. I knew car air could be polluted but wasn’t aware of how badly. I’m another one who didn’t know there were such efficient air filters specifically made for vehicles.
Darlene Carbajal
This is amazing! I suffer from allergies and who wouldn’t like to breathe in fresh air?!
Nicole Trevisan
this is a great product. pricey but convenient.
Amber Kolb
I love that it “absorbs odors, gases, chemicals and even harmful allergens” inside the car. I have never thought about the allergens and gases before today!
Cindi Knowles
Sounds like a great product.
Natasha Scott
Great review, I would definitely use this in my car!
Anita Duvall
I never knew that the air outside the car was more harmful than that outside. Great review of the Ensure Air.
Kelly D
I like that this cleans the air up to 20 times per hour. My family has dust and pollen allergies so this would be great.
Laura Griggs
Brilliant idea, but a bit too expensive for us especially with two cars.
Rachel Mertz
I suffer from terrible allergies and am always looking for ways to reduce allergens and breathe cleaner air. This product looks just what I’m looking for as I spend a lot of time on the road. Thank you for a great review!
Gina H
Looks like an awesome product that would help on the dirt roads we live on! Thanks for the review!
Cherie Whisenhunt
Would love to win this
Robin Abrams
This system is great. I have allergies and it seems to help with them a lot.
Ken Ohl
this would be great we both suffer from allergies
Courtney H.
This would be a great addition to my car. It always feels so stuffy. I’m also plagued by allergies year-round!
Linda A. Kinsman
This would be very helpful in middle TN. a dust bowl of pollen in the spring and fall. Thanks for sharing!
Wendy Forbes
The Atem Car Air Purifier seems like a great tool to remove pollutants from the air in your vehicle, but I’m not so sure about its size. Based on the photo, it looks kind of big and I wonder if it would get in the way with it positioned on the back of a seat. Other than that, yes I would give it a try as I am concerned about the air I breathe in inside of my vehicle.
belinda bell
This is amazing. I need this for my daughter who has allergies.
Jo-Ann Brightman
I think this is a wonderful idea. MY family suffers from allergies and it would be great to have filtered air in the car.
Jaye Smith
This is such a clever idea. I love how it creates cleaner air inside your car.
Linda Manns Linneman
I would love to have the air in my clean as clean as in my house. We have a dog that goes with us at time and I have my two grandchildren that are in sports. I really appreciate you sharing this
Starla B
Goodness, gracious! I definitely learned something new here and that is pretty terrifying. In your car where you are riding with your family and children! This sounds like a wonderful idea and I am going to definitely look into this. Would be so reassuring to have healthy, purified air while commuting!
Ken Ohl
love this it will help us all with our allergies
Crystal Warnick
My husband and I travel from coast to coast and he has allergies and so does our 3 boys who also travel with us. So needless to say we spend a lot of time in a vechile this would be amazing. I love how it cleans 20 times an hour.
Melissa Storms
I really never thought f an air purifier for my car. I do think it is a great idea though.
Pauline Milner
Thank you for introducing me to this product. I worry about the amount of fumes and odors from the outside actually make it into my car without me knowing it. A product like that puts that worry to rest.
I try to keep our air clean in the house here to. It gets really expensive with the set we have now.
Jeanne Coulombe
This would be so awesome for my car I have to keep my car and home germ free cause of low immune system due to auto immune system disease . Thanks for the info.
My folks have one of the IQ purifiers at their place and it’s my favorite. I bet the air is as good with this car system.
Tiffany S
Oh wow, I didn’t know they made air purifiers for vehicles. Sounds like something I could use.
Linda Manns Linneman
A lot of families have a lot going on in their vehicles. We have children, sports and we sometimes like to take our pets. This is such a close area for everyone. This would be so nice to have to clean the air up. Thank you so much for sharing
Kelly D
I like that this product uses uses gas-phase filtration instead of just masking the odors or pollution. I know the new car scent is bad for you, that is one of the reasons why I try to keep my car as long as possible.
I honestly had no idea and loved “new car smell’ my whole life…. I am with you and keeping my cars as long as I can too 🙂 Simply because I hate a car payment!
Gary B
Would love this for my car the air in my car would be much improved if I had this product
Pam Wheeler
I spend so much time in my car, it would be nice to know I’m breathing in clean air.
Alissa A Apel
I could use this. I have allergies and asthma.
Christina A.
This would be really nice for keeping our car fresh–it’s amazing how smelly it can get in there so fast…especially since we eat in there sometimes on the go!
Sandra McFadden
This is so awesome. My fiancee is a smoker and even though he cracks the window to smoke I can still smell it. Or after he has used my car the smoke is trapped in side and this would be so awesome to get rid of the smell and other odors.
Sandra McFadden
This is so awesome. My fiancee is a smoker and even though he cracks the window to smoke I can still smell it. Or after he has used my car the smoke is trapped in side and this would be so awesome to get rid of the smell and other odors. Thanks for the great review.
Kristen Tracey
I would love one of these to help with the stale air in my car. My son and I both have seasonal allergies and I think this would be helpful.
Scott finger
I no my older kids would love having this and i would love to have for my truck prating i win one badly
Megan Parsons
Who wouldn’t want fresh air and a fresh smell in their car? I think this is brilliant!!!
Victoria Barbour
I also worry about outside pollutants but didn’t realize that I needed to worry about that new car smell.
Cindy S.
We live in Southern California which means crowded roads and backed up freeways. I’ve always worried about the quality of air we breathe. This sounds like a great solution.
scott finger
I love to cook but cant afford to barbecue the right way
Sherry Proch
Learn something new every day! This product is fantastic. Wish this was around when my asthmatic son was young. Looking into this, thank you
Christy R.
Wow, I didn’t even know something like this existed. Thank you for the review.
my kids would love this as we have just discovered a new fishy smell coming from the a/c
athena graeme
The price puts this out of my range (barring a really great sale!) But this looks fantastic, it would really help with my chronic sinus problems. Keep bringing that tech!
Stephanie H.
I like the idea of having cleaner air in the car and I ‘m glad that this product is portable.
Andrea Anderson
Omg. I so need one of these. I am very sensitive to the smell of chemicals. I recently decided against purchasing a brand new vehicle because I couldn’t tolerate the “new car smell”. My throat was burning and I could tell I wasn’t breathing clean air. I didn’t know they had an air purifier for cars. I hope to win this, but even if I don’t, it’s something I definitely want to look into purchasing. Thanks for the review!
Bobbi Walker
This is exactly what I need for my car.i live in Arizona …..it’s too hot here!.lol
Shirley Emitt
I had never heard or seen this before, sure is a great idea.
Kathleen Whitney
Believe it or Not. There is a lot of stuff that gets in, in a car! Having something that removes a lot of it. While you travel from A to B. Is extremely helpful for those that suffer sinus problems!
This is exactly what we need because we travel a lot in our car!
wen budro
This looks like a great product to have in the car. I have definitely questioned how clean my car’s air is because of the pollution and dust in our local air.
This air purifier would be perfect to give to my sister, she just had a baby last week!
Heather Kaufman
This is so cool, I’ve never thought about all the bad things we breathe in while in the car.
James Stringham
This would be great when visiting the big city that’s full of pollution.
Kristen Joiner
We had to buy one this year for our home when my mother’s asthma got worse and this would be so amazing to have for the car. I bet it would help tremendously.
Diana McDonald
My husband and kids would benefit from this because they all have allergies.
That is just what I need for our car. Thanks for sharing!
mary rutter
I could really use one of these. I have bad allergies. I never knew this product existed.
steve stone
my family and I have allergies and this would be great for that.
cindy legg
i love that this thing filters not only air in the car but also pollutants outside also
Emily Collins
I would love to own this item because I worry about the quality of the air that my family and I breathe.
Echota Keller
I love the IQ Air products, they make the best filters out there. I am so excited to know that they also make one for the car! This is great!
Shaunda Eppes
This is truly a much needed item for my family and I. Most air fresheners are too overpowering in a vehicle.
Pauline Milner
Many people do not realize that the air in your car can be far worse than what it in your home. Thanks for the review, for providing a solution and for letting your readers know about something they most probably have never thought of.
Jeani B
I didn’t even know this existed! How awesome! My niece has health issues and this sounds like a perfect addition to her health regimen.
Roberta Dunton
This would be a great product for us! Thank you
Emilie j
Wow this is crazy! I literally had just thought the other day how many pollutants must come through the car and I worry about my child. I never knew something like this existed however it’s expensive!!
Victoria Barbour
This is something I truly need in my vehicle.
I like the air purifier good size I can take it with me everywhere especially great for travel.
Bilger Susan Scribner
Wow, I knew we were breathing some toxins when in our vehicles but I had no idea it was close to 300. And it makes sense that we should use some form of air purifier because the air filters in our vehicles just are not made to catch much More than dust. I’m excited about this product .
John C
Innovative idea, convenient size so could be moved among different vehicles (work/personal)
Dwight McCoy
Great write up, I am very interested in this!!!
Lindsay G
This is wonderful! ALlergies are so bad where i live. I need this for sure.
Mary Beth Elderton
This is a brtilliant idea! Being closed up in a car, even with the AC on, gets so stuffy…and my allergies 🙁
Jason Cullum
Wow I had no idea there were so many chemicals that my family could be exposed to in our vehicle. This product sounds like it would be very helpful. I like the design too!
laurie damrose
I never knew there are air purifiers for cars.Nice concept for a more pleasant ride.
Jessica Harper
What a unique concept for a car! So many dangerous toxins in the air.
Jennifer Matt
I had no idea about the chemicals in a new car. Never gave it much thought. This is a very informative review!
Karen P.
I have to get one! This seems like it would be good for us allergy sufferers.
Linda Manns Linneman
We always have a lot going on in my car. With my grandchildrens sports and sports gear, friends coming with us, fast food and don’t forget the dog. I could really use one of these. Thank you so much for sharing this
Would love to win this. It looks like a great product. Thanks for the chance
Rae Nelson
Would be great for my daughters and I, suuferring from allergies!
Thanks for the great review! This is such a good idea.
Lauryn R
This is definitely an awesome invention! We have so many allergens where we live so of course it helps to have purified air to breath. And being able to have it in the car is amazing!
Derrick Johnson
I never thought about how new cars have certain chemicals in there that could pollute the air. I will be looking more into this air purifier.
Brandi Hawn
This is so cool! I had no idea that they even made products like this. It would be absolutely perfect for my vehicle! 🙂
Beth McC -- Midwest Redhead
Interesting idea, but out of budget for most folks I know. Will be watching to see if the price comes down as this gains popularity.
Heather Kaufman
This is great, I love my home diffuser…a car one would really help with allergies.
alice f
I would love to have one of these for my car. Fresh and pure air makes life better.
Linda Manns Linneman
The family is in my car a lot. We also take the dog at times. I could really use one of these. Sounds so much healthier. Thank you for sharing
I would love an air purifier for my car, but will have to win a few cash giveaways to be able to afford this one!
Sarah L
That would be great for people who spend a lot of time in their vehicle.
Julie Matek
Thanks for all of the great information! I did not know your car can expose you to over 275 chemicals that can be present in your car at any given time, many of which are produced by interior materials which can contain toxic chemicals.
Holly DeLeon
Allergies are a killer in my area, so this purifier would be amazing. Thanks!
Michelle Tucker
Had no idea that the new car smell is full of so many toxins. That is pretty scary, actually.
I would love this for our car especially because of our 2 grandsons. We have them with us a few times a week. They both have allergies.
Megan Wilson
This is really smart! We have little ones and would love to have this for our vehicles!
Darlene Cruz
Awesome idea because you spend alot of your time in your vehicle and stuck in traffic so breathing fresh air in your vehicle is a plus.
Tabatha Riley
This is so cool. I hope I win.
Alice F
My husband and I enjoy grilling. This is a beautiful grill and we would put it to good use.
kathy pease
This sounds great! I had no clue they made air purifiers for vehicles.
Lily Kwan
This car air purifier looks very useful. Thanks for sharing!
Beth McC -- Midwest Redhead
I don’t drive any more, but I certainly wish they had air purifiers on the city buses I take nearly daily! If they could install them along the ceiling, it would help a great deal, especially on hot summer days or in the heart of winter, when the heat on the bus tends to overheat us! On moderate days, I am frustrated that our new buses do not have windows that open near passengers, just little transom types that do not good whatsoever.
Beth McC -- Midwest Redhead
Great idea! I will share this blog with my sister. I don’t drive. My sister has a long-haired miniature dachshund who travels with her around town, and I bet she’d love this to eliminate pet odors as well as the various chemicals.
Cindi Knowles
If i had a car this would be a great product to buy.
Sarah Mayer
I travel a lot in my car, so this would be a nice thing to have to make sure I’m breathing the purest of air.
Jo-Ann Brightman
Since my daughter-in-law has allergies this would be really helpful for her.
Sandy Klocinski
This is awesome! Seems like a great idea. It would really help someone with allergies
I hadn’t realized the air in our cars could also be a big problem. It’s a good idea for allergy sufferers and for children.
Sara Tarver
This is a great idea!
I never knew they made this for a vehicle before I read your review. I am definitely looking into getting one for my vehicle. My wife is always complaining about the air quality in my truck, and I think this would be a big difference maker in both my vehicle and my wife’s vehicle.
Lyndsey Rullman
Just like you, I never even thought about how many pollutants there are in a car and how it makes sense there are more than in our homes. This sounds like a great product for our new van!
Ronald Turner
This seems like a great product. I ca’t wait to try it.
Sandy Klocinski
Never realized they made these for vehicles. This is great for people with allergies. I have a little chihuahua that rides in my car…maybe help with pet dander?
Yes it will! It works better than anything I have tried….blows all other air purifiers out of the water!
Sarh S
My youngest has pretty bad asthma, bet this would help.
We’ve used air purifiers in the house and the office but never thought of using one in the car
Molli Taylor
humans spend a lot of time in their cars so the air is super important
David Savige
This makes a lot of sense, especially when we spend so much time in our cars.
Eric Wright
It sounds very cool! I definitely didn’t know that the air in your car can be up to 15X worse than outside the vehicle. The air purifier sounds very smart cleaning air automatically and using comprehensive processes that I have never heard of! Thanks for the giveaway and good luck to everybody!
That is so so cool!!! I’ve never heard of this one before, I would love to get one for the house and one of the car. Love it.
Derrick Johnson
Our family could use an air purifier since we live near a chemical plant.